lentil · 6 years ago
Here's the thing: there's no simple way to stop gun violence
Yeah, we could educate people to stop accidental shootings, but not shootings with purpose
Yeah, we could ban guns all together, but people will find ways. Just like prohibition, alcohol was banned, but people still got it.
There's no single solution to stopping gun violence
lentil · 6 years ago
Or maybe, we could pay attention to our kids
How the hell did he sneak a gun out of the house?
dash224 · 6 years ago
Back in the 90s Australia had a mass shooting. They banned guns and they haven’t had a massacre since.
lentil · 6 years ago
Australia is a role model country, and the US should definitely try something like that to stop gun violence, but unfortunately chances are people will still do stuff like this
mistit · 6 years ago
There will always be something they can use as a weapon...
chilledtothebone · 6 years ago
The U.S needs to follow in Australia’s footsteps. It’s better to try and fail than never have tried at all. There’s incriminating evidence that gun control CAN help right in front of us!
It especially hurts me to hear about Florida since one of my older friends, aged only 14, was caught in a shooting just months ago, and she now suffers from PTSD. She just had her first major PTSD attack today upon hearing the news of the Florida shooting. It’s hard to hear from her because she used to be so happy and carefree. She didn’t deserve any of what she witnessed that night. Neither does anybody else. I’m sending my prayers to everyone affected. These things are truly horrible. I can’t believe humans are able to carry out these horrible attacks against each other, especially innocent people. It’s devastating.
sm19 · 6 years ago
Everyone knows why - the NRA has hands in everyone's pockets.