When is a mom a mom?
by pbachman21 · 20 comments 6 years ago
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pbachman21 · 6 years ago
Do you think a mom becomes a mom the moment she becomes pregnant? Or when she gives birth to the baby?
deleted · 6 years ago
pbachman21 · 6 years ago
Good answer, anyone else???
deleted · 6 years ago
When she starts loving her baby, born or unborn
sm19 · 6 years ago
A mom doesn't need kids to be a mom - if she is being a maternal figure to someone, she's being a mom.
tcole3710 · 6 years ago
I’d say when the child is born, as complications could arise before birth. Also, people say “you are going to be a mom” when they hear that someone is pregnant.
flyingoctopus · 6 years ago
pinballwzrd · 6 years ago
The first time she asks if you have McDonalds money
unicycle · 6 years ago
I didn't feel like a mom until the moment my kid popped out, then it hit me like a load of bricks and there was a neon sign flashing "MOTHERHOOD" in front of my eyes.
cduqueperez · 6 years ago
I think the moment you know you're pregnant. At least that's how it was for me. My whole way of thinking and doing things changed right away. You begin to feel an attachment, a bond, a duty to protect someone. - Personally
buttscarleton · 6 years ago
A woman becomes a mom when she assumes responsibility for the little shit
mightchillout · 6 years ago
When u get to knw u have a little munchkin inside you :)
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
@riyriamistborn That probably the best answer. This answer includes woman who adopts children, which is still a mother
acegalaxi · 6 years ago
When the pee pee go in the V-V and googoo touch the eggy.
deleted · 6 years ago
You don't need human babies to be a mum.. I'm a mum to my cat lol
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@buttscarlton your answer is the best. Any idiot can shit out a baby.
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kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
*Half the population coughs*
buttscarleton · 6 years ago
Once that little fucker demolishes half an auditorium during a preschool presentation of Peter Pan, the woman that has to look everyone in the eye and say he’s mine is a mommy.
buttscarleton · 6 years ago
And pushing a baby from your secret and mysterious lady parts makes you a mother.