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rydler · 6 years ago
Also, these zones, lips especially, are areas that can build feelings towards someone.
scatmandingo · 6 years ago
I’d go for it as well. Now, @guest_ does make a good point. You don’t want to shout “I like you” at him but I think you have to go farther than just letting him know you are available. He’s going to be just as scared of rejection as you. Try letting him off the hook there. Something along the lines of “You’re really funny, you should ask me out sometime.” You’ll have to come up with what works for you but just don’t laugh like it’s a joke after you say it. Smile and eye contact.
deleted · 6 years ago
His ears and cheeks do turn red but he does have a natural blush.. but his ears def turn red
rydler · 6 years ago
Go for it. Subtly. He’s shy. Nervous. Bump him a bit, little nudge with your shoulder. Say hey. Drag him to see something cool yet random. Grab his wrist and take him with you. Not too out of the way, but something you find cool. Let him see a little bit into you.
Go for it!
deleted · 6 years ago
the other day my friend (also a girl) went to ask him something and he said Ugh what do you want! (In a jokin way I guess,) then when she asked him he was like “no bye” so I guess that was good? And then again the other day I threw a pen at him because he said something and he threw it back so I chased him around the room and he was laughing. Then he stopped mid run and made me crash into him so idk
rydler · 6 years ago
deleted · 6 years ago
Haha thx guys
rydler · 6 years ago
deleted · 6 years ago
Playing match-maker is fun
rydler · 6 years ago
flyingoctopus · 6 years ago
No balls, you won't
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
Elimated everyone you think he might have a crush on, or anyone that might have a crush on him. Your goal is to obliterate his love life from the shadows, not enter his love life, you can do that when the rivals have been elimated. By then, he'll accept the first arm that reaches out for him, which will be you once they are all gone
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
@info_chan might help
info_chan · 6 years ago
rydler · 6 years ago
I mean, i could help you use psychological tricks to force him to love you.
info_chan · 6 years ago
Psychological tricks don't have an definite chance of working. If @kouyaaotsuki's plan made the boy hate you, you could always kidnap him and make him love you
rydler · 6 years ago
Never a definite chance. However, measures can be taken to almost guarantee success. His mind seems open to you right now. So he is an easier target than most.
info_chan · 6 years ago
Easier to lure him away into your house, where you can chain him up
rydler · 6 years ago
Or lure I’m into your eyes
rydler · 6 years ago
Make him NEED you. Trap him within his own mind. And the basement too. Why not.