deleted · 6 years ago
He then replied, “ hey, that’s my job” and I said, jokingly, well you’re not doing a good job. You’re fire. And he said “oh I’m fired” ok bye” and I said wait hold up because he wouldn’t just leave like that, he’s not like that, and about an hour later I said are you mad at me or something? And he said, today “yep” that was it. So I said why? And he never responded,
Didn’t even read it . I’m not sure if he’s doing it on purpose? Where did I go wrong?
r0xanne4444 · 6 years ago
Maybe he didn’t like that you called your friend stupid? Idk. Ask him why he’s mad
deleted · 6 years ago
I did. He never responded. It was implied as a joke, so
r0xanne4444 · 6 years ago
Say ‘if you’re not gonna tell me I can’t reallt do anything to fix it? I’m sorry ok please tell me what I did’
r0xanne4444 · 6 years ago
IF he still ignores you he’s a butt
deleted · 6 years ago
Ok I’ll do that. Thanks!
deleted · 6 years ago
Maybe he’s just doing it to piss me off... ?
m · 6 years ago
Maybe i' m too far removed from hs but I don't think this guys drama is worth anyone's time. With text it can be hard to read if you were joking or not (and if you two are good friends I am sure you were). Give him a cooling off period. Wait for him to be the first to contact you again. If you go running after him he will think any type of behaviour is ok. If he likes you/is really your friend then he will come back with a reasonable reason why he was so mad.
r0xanne4444 · 6 years ago
High school sucks
m · 6 years ago
I totally agree.
deleted · 6 years ago
Best of luck.
deleted · 6 years ago
Update: he massaged me last nigh and said. Boi” this morning I talked to him and he said without me prompting him “you know I’m not actually mad at you” and smiled
r0xanne4444 · 6 years ago
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
Don’t act too clingy and overly obsessed with him
deleted · 6 years ago
Got it
fell_equinox · 6 years ago
Give him space and wait for the reply. If you push too hard he might feel uncomfortable
High school sucks, but always think about how you would respond if you were him.
Good luck!
deleted · 6 years ago
Updat: we hung out together in a room during school and he was acting normal. And were hanging out again, same room, later on in school