flyingoctopus · 6 years ago
Talk to her straight up. She may be waiting for you to make the first move.
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Ask her something along the lines of "What do you think of me?"
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Ask her to hang out, maybe a date? If you like her and you think she likes you back and she's not just being nice then search for more hints or make a move.
rosalinas · 6 years ago
She stayed and talked till her mother honked
Pretty sure she wasn't just being nice to ya
Just ask her to hang out
If you didn't want to risk it, ask her to hang out with you and your friends, tell her tp bring her friends too
You can spend time with her and things won't turn awkward
captainjackharknes · 6 years ago
1. What friends?
2. We've sorta hung out before. By that, I mean we walked around, ended up at McDonald's, and then bought some Sharpies and graffitied some stuff.
3. The reason we haven't talked in so long is she hasn't really been on Facebook, aka the only real contact I have with her.
Man why do I have to live in a place with not much to actually do?
r0xanne4444 · 6 years ago
ask her out you fool!!!
dash224 · 6 years ago
How old are you guys? Can you even drive?
captainjackharknes · 6 years ago
1. I'd ask her out again if she would answer her Messanger.
2. I'm 18, she's 17 going on 18. Neither of us have a license... :P
deleted · 6 years ago
She's not the same girl, is she?
captainjackharknes · 6 years ago
Same girl as whom exactly?
deleted · 6 years ago
The one you mentioned a while back.
captainjackharknes · 6 years ago
Not the most recent one no, that was really early in this school year. This current one, I had met, and confessed to late in the previous school year. Sometime during the summer we went on a 'date' that originally was us hanging out. I jokingly pestered her into counting it as a date while we were walking around, and she did eventually actually say that it could count. I did the thing any sane person would at the time. I shouted 'Whoo whoo!' She blushed and it was adorable. I think I just realized I have a type of girl I'm attracted to...Given all my previous crushes...
deleted · 6 years ago
That's great dude.
captainjackharknes · 6 years ago
captainjackharknes · 6 years ago
Planning an actual date. At some point ill compile some screenshots into an image and post that or something
deleted · 6 years ago
That would be great
captainjackharknes · 6 years ago
Okay, got about 3 screenshots in one image. Not quite the entire nights covo, but its still interesting, especially for all y'all who seem to be heavily invested in my life.