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sm19 · 6 years ago
Depends on (1) what high school you went to, (2) the uni courses you're taking, (3) the proffs that you have, (4) what level the course is
criis · 6 years ago
I enjoy it more because I'm studying what I really like, but I always wish at the end of the day I had more hours to do everything I want to do.
dash224 · 6 years ago
I’m in the same boat. But also my major isn’t super rigorous either.
deleted · 6 years ago
I am in Mass Media and I love the course. So it automatically is.
deleted · 6 years ago
And school was a tough Muthufucka.
kamatsu · 6 years ago
So far, I'm finding it fine, but it's also literally my second day so that has no bearing on the reality of the situation. Pretty sure that Electrical and Electronic Engineering will pick up pretty quick...
deleted · 6 years ago
What’s your major, also if you’re a freshman it’s only going to get harder
kamatsu · 6 years ago
It's my first year (like I said, second day of Uni), if that's what freshman means - don't think those terms are used in Australia. I don't know what my major's gonna be; all the options looked fascinating in their own ways.
carne_asada · 6 years ago
I’m planning on majoring in business and minoring in kinesiology. This year i’m taking chem, bio, microeconomics, statistics,
deleted · 6 years ago
I am going to Major in Advertising.
carne_asada · 6 years ago
I want to open a gym in Las Vegas because rent is hella cheap there also nigahiga is from there
deleted · 6 years ago
deleted · 6 years ago
That biology stuff will probably get much harder
sublimegamer · 6 years ago
My uni course so far (2 weeks) is extremely easy, and I've not learned a thing that I didn't already know... Why are uni degrees so expensive when online tutorials can do such a better job?!
i_ · 6 years ago
Some people find it harder because their work ethic sucks absolute ass. As in they mentally cannot make the connection that they've made a financial and personal commitment to something and it's better for literally everyone if they see it through.
deleted · 6 years ago
I totally agree with @i_ here.
carne_asada · 6 years ago
I realize that bio will only get harder, but I’be probably only learned about a third of what I did in high school about biology in almost a full year of classes
deleted · 6 years ago
I study IT in Germany and I am getting mentally abused with math and theoretical engineering, I wish I could also say that mine is extremely easy.-.
dr_richard_ew · 6 years ago
I'm in my first year of uni, and it may be my last, bc I've been slipping under the grade I personally want in a couple classes, and now I'm seriously paranoid that going for a 2nd year will end up with me failing a bunch of classes and losing a couple thousand dollars
criis · 6 years ago
I'm in my second year of uni. As I can see here some of you are yet in first year. First year in uni is always hard. Everything is new and you probably end up discovering that maybe there's another way of studying that is more suitable for you than the one that you already have. But trust me, it gets better. It just takes time. Right now I'm in me second year in med school and I now laugh at my younger me about how lost I was. And it's been only a year. As I said, it takes time. If you know that the thing you're studying is something that you love, then keep going. Don't desist.