I am so conflicted
by dr_richard_ew · 7 comments 6 years ago
dr_richard_ew · 6 years ago
So recently I discovered this movie called "Mother!", where it's about a man and wife who live a crazy endless fucked up existance, and it's all symbolic for God and Mother Nature and how humanity is shit and yadda yadda. I thought it seemed interesting, with the unique way the symbolism was portrayed, so I decided to Google what else this director made.
...He also made NOAH. MOTHER FUCKING NOAH. MY LEAST FAVOURITE FILM OF ALL TIME AND THE ONE THAT I WOULD PAY ANYTHING TO HAVE IT REMOVED FOR BEING SO SHIT. How the fuck am I enjoying a movie that almost has the exact same message as my least favourite movie of all time?
demon_razgriz · 6 years ago
Different story telling, different advisors, different creative directions.
The director may be the same, but the people who work with him are different, you're allowed to like it y'know
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Uh. calm down dude.
Afonsky is fucking nuts. Check out Requiem for a Dream, Pi, The Fountain.....
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
You shouldn't have been surprised at all.
guest_ · 6 years ago
Monomyth good Dr. almost every story is the same, and the world only has so many messages to give. Anyone can say: "Stop hating each other!" But the "I have a dream" speech was so well regarded not just for the context of it, but for HOW the message was given. It's what separates great orators from hacks. I could see your confliction over the directors being the same, but Hollywood tends to use the same people for everything. I don't hate "Three Kings" because Clooney did batman or Walburg the happening. Just remember productions are complex, interference comes from many sources and a bad film is seldom the work of one man. Schumacher made batman too but he's done good work. In the end it wasn't just his directing, but studio pull and producers that fed the monster. So enjoy and try not to worry about the director. If you didn't know you would still like it.
dr_richard_ew · 6 years ago
I guess you're all right. I'm just personaly baffled that he made two movies with almost an exact similar message, and yet I think one is brilliant while the other is trash