kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
Anyone else?
adorkable · 6 years ago
My college is closed too
jojofan · 6 years ago
Where do live that its snowing?
adorkable · 6 years ago
Britain (I’m in England, Kouya is in Scotland)
jojofan · 6 years ago
Ah ok
releasethekraken · 6 years ago
My classes got cancelled too
pilly · 6 years ago
Whole England got cancelled because of snow
adorkable · 6 years ago
England is different to Britain
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
Bloody snow
tcole3710 · 6 years ago
My college was open unfortunately.
adorkable · 6 years ago
What part are you from?
tcole3710 · 6 years ago
adorkable · 6 years ago
I’m from Essex
dash224 · 6 years ago
Only some of my classes are cancelled which really pisses me off
deleted · 6 years ago
Across the channel we only had like 3 mm lf snow, if that, so everything was as usual
deleted · 6 years ago
We didn't get ANY down here where I live. (Dorset)
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
We had like 3 inches, there’s a big difference in weather in Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen centre