funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
What would happen if the big people just decided to end their little experiment? Like what could those tiny people do to stop them? At that point the big people are basically like gods compared to them.... They could just flood their habitat and drown them all, release a gas and poison them all, unleash insects upon them... I mean.. c;mon man. I expected that movie to end with a total annihilation... but nope. Who the hell would put their trust into a company behaving both benevolently and ethically?
alekazam · 6 years ago
Man, I could barely watch that movie once. I lost interest half way through.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I watched Superman: Unbound right before the first time I watched it... so I had the whole Brainiac thing going on before.... it made it so much better.
Side note: I hope they don't kill off The Collector in IW just to show Thanos's ruthlessness. There is an incredibly fucked up story to be told about The Collector.
guest_ · 6 years ago
You've answered the question of the fragility of your own existence. We are all "tiny people" in a world ran by and depend on giants of industry, power, and wealth- at their complete mercy to not destroy us or just stop providing. Wifi, electricity, gas, water, sewage, medicine, consumer goods, transport, etc. Any number of people and entities could cause massive devastation, kill millions or billions, or destroy your life tomorrow. We rely on the law, their morals, self interest/greed, or apathy to us in order to continue to live. And in the end there's effectively nothing we could do about it or to stop it. That's why power fantasies are so popular. If Liam Niessen can do it- we believe we could too. If Bill Gates wanted to he could pick your name out of a hat tomorrow and torture you and everyone you know like bugs in a jar, and he could easily never be punished Amy real way. So if you answer this question- you'll have mastered the reality of civilization.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
The difference between the two is 1) the rule of law applies to all of us in the real world... in the movie they signed away pretty much any protection the law provided. and 2) In the real world I can resist A LOT more effectively if Bill Gates tries to murk me than I can if I were tiny and in a LITERAL bubble. Don't get me wrong, that was a good try. Remember that, unlike the movie, if those companies we put our trust in decide to ruin everything for the rest of us, they die as well. MAD i tell you, MAD.
MAD doesn't exist between the big and small. It's one-sided.
guest_ · 6 years ago
Really it doesn't exist between classes either in any meanigful way. It's more of mutually assured temporary inconvenience. Revolution is more trouble than it's worth when you already have everything you want, or bigger problems than what you'd gain. Someday automation may we'll make it unnecessary at all to keep a larger lower class to support an upper class. Reality is a fragile thing.