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wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
Coping mechanisms and the lengths the mind goes to protect itself continue to fascinate me.
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
Like thanks brain by no thanks...
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Haha yeah, it's pretty crazy. I did some studies on coping mechanisms for fun cause I love that stuff, majority of the more intense personality disorders like Multiple Personality Disorder are products of the brain trying to suppress past trauma. It literally creates a "separate person" in order to block what that person dealt with so the brain can continue functioning normally (or as normally as possible).
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
Dang it's crazy. Glad my brain just tells me nothing's real, (although that does suck) it'd be rough dealing with a separate persona.
rydler · 6 years ago
My brain just outright fails to register certain things.
Like, a bad thing happens and my brain just “yep” and moves on.
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
That sucks, my brain does that with things, too i thinj. I'll get genuinely convinced I can't possibly exist, or I feel like a spectator inside my own body. Stuff just floats in limbo without registering and I'll get caught up on something from days ago and my brain goes on repeat. Its so weird.
rydler · 6 years ago
Thats Dissociation.
Where everything feels like a dream, or like you are watching everything happen.
I get that a lot. It’s okay.
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
Oh wow Okay nice to know It has a name. I thought I was being weird or something. Research time approaches I guess!
rydler · 6 years ago
It’s pretty weird, and there are some different disorders surrounding it, however feeling it at times is okay and fine. I learned about in my Psych class.
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
Huh why did I never learn these things. Darn you christian private school of Horrors, you have left me unprepared!
sunflowers · 6 years ago
I have gone entire days dissociating and it is so surreal. I look in the mirror and I don't recognize myself. Or I see my hands and body and think they're not mine. Or I just shut down completely and can't focus on anything. Sometimes when I sit still I'll start unconsciously rocking back and forth. Crazy shit. My brain is trying its damnedest to figure out what the fuck is wrong with me
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Dissociation sucks, it's like you're looking through your eye as a window and your bodies doing things and saying things but you're like ...that's not me doing that. It is a thing that happens sometimes but it's NOT okay if it keeps reoccurring, you should see somebody and find ways to cope with it. It usually happens when you're under an extreme amount of stress or depression, it's the way the body copes so you don't have to feel anything. In highschool I was the designated "body guard" of one of my friends because she would dissociate so much and no body (not even the teachers) knew how to deal with it, it would be so bad that she wouldn't even know who I was and would smash herself against things, I would have to stay calm but I would often cry after because it was scary. Don't get to that point if you can. I would "bring her back" by telling her to name 7 things she can, touch, smell, see and hear. This way her body has to register her current surroundings.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
It just also sucks cause you never feel like you're really 'there' so you can't ever enjoy things. I strongly suggest getting a psychologist, or if you can't for some reason then research about it and try to help yourself. When you finally come back to reality it's amazing.
rydler · 6 years ago
For some it’s terrifying, for me I kinda like it.
Then again I’m a lot of an oddball.
rydler · 6 years ago
One way to come back to yourself if to breathe
7 counts in and out, a couple times, while looking at your hands and flexing your fingers.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Not going to lie, that is weird to like. I used to like depression because it was familiar, until I got better, but the sensation of dissociation is horrible and I would never want anyone to experience it.
rydler · 6 years ago
I understand how it’s scary for some people, but I don’t dissociate too badly, it’s not uncommon, but it doesn’t happen every day, every few at most, and it isn’t extreme enough to scare me.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Oh alrighty that's good, I mean it'd be great if it stopped completely but it's good you don't get too bad when it happens
rydler · 6 years ago
And I know how to ground myself, my psych teacher taught us some for anxiety, and I sorta re-worked them to work for this too, so if I do get scared I can work myself back to normal.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
nice, good for you