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this_isntme · 6 years ago
@Sir_Spiderman Did you accidentally? or was that a planned occupation? And @Funkmasterrex be careful this is where you fall down the wormhole of Youtube videos and actually believe what @Mialinay says.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
@this_isntme I assure you that I did not intend to fall asleep on her on the phone. When I woke up, I had to search for my phone. It was under the bed. I have no idea what was said last night so I'm mildly concerned. She's cool though so I'm not worried.
this_isntme · 6 years ago
@Sir_Spiderman Be aware. they never forget. They forgive. But they never forget. Next year she will remind you about that one thing you said. And it's entirely probable that you will have no recollection of that having happened. Just nod and say "whoops." That usually works.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
She'll probably laugh and call me back tonight.

Also, I said "oops" and not "whoops"
spazz · 6 years ago
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I woke up, restarted my computer and my touchpad works again. Yay. Less than 10 minutes into the day and already a win.... I'm optimistic :)
alekazam · 6 years ago
Should hear my stories. Occasionally start with a handful of benzos, go out drinking, snort some amphetamines to keep my self up for the much too intense buzz. Find myself climbing into my ex girlfriend’s old college dorm building that I stayed at while she lived there 7-8 years ago. Rip the TV out of the dorm communal lounge room and carry it back to my current Gf’s apartment, thinking she will totally appreciate having TWO TVs! She did not. Take the tv to my mom’s house. Fast forward several months, recently out of jail for DUI. Tv doesn’t work without the remote. Eventually get high/drunk again climb back in building just to find the remote so the tv will function. Get remote, TV functions. Mission complete, no report even of B&E at the off campus dorm. Life is a mess. Drugs are a hell of a thing. This is just the most recent nutball thing I’ve done. There are so many more.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
sentence two was already too much.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Also, literally the last thing I typed out last night was "Your mission, should you choose to accept it"... so that "Mission complete" part was a double whammy.
alekazam · 6 years ago
This was all while on probation too... incredibly stupid risk taking behaviors. I’m a train wreck when I choose to be. Trying to stray away from these behaviors
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
You might need that retreat I was talking about more than your GF.
If that sounds mean, that wasn't my intention; I'm just hoping I'm helpful.
alekazam · 6 years ago
@funkmasterrex. You are talking to me right? I’m not offended just a tad confused.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
No I'm talking at pokemon. <_<
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
yes and <_< yes. And another < _< yes for goot measure >_>
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
For Groot measure* >__________________>
natethegreat · 6 years ago
I'm at it again, today I woke up just fine back at it again with the Crown Royal.
now if only @alekazam can assist me in the location of some stuff I would really be in business...heheheheh...
alekazam · 6 years ago
What that Lucy in the sky? Is that what you’re saying
natethegreat · 6 years ago
alekazam · 6 years ago
Oh boy it’s been close to a year since I’ve had any myself but I know the right people. Maybe sometime in the near future....
natethegreat · 6 years ago