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guest_ · 6 years ago
- insulting the readers intelligence. The reader needs some degree of faith in the writer they are in for a good read and not a waste of time, or they'll stop reading. The writer needs to have some faith the reader isn't a moron, and doesn't need everything explained, things dumbed down, etc. write to your audience but don't underestimate their comprehension.
- a wise man said there are no plot holes, just small imaginations. This is somewhat true. If you waste ineccesary ink on bathroom breaks and grocery shopping I'm gone. But at the same time you must lead me. You're telling the story. Take me with you and don't just expect you can jump anywhere and I'll follow.
- to the above- you need to make your rules, and stick by them. Whatever the rules of your universe- and if it's set in ours or one like ours we will assume the rules are the same as here unless told otherwise- you need to follow those. You built the world and want me to get lost in it. Don't yank me out of it.
guest_ · 6 years ago
There's more butnive written a bunch. I hope at least something is uselful there. I'll stay mum unless asked for more or clarification. Best of luck.
deleted · 6 years ago
I've done the exposition dump one but I remied it by keeping it pretty brief.
rydler · 6 years ago
When a character learns information that can help someone else out and keeps it to themselves.
My biggest problem: When the character is trying to stop someone with a psychological disorder (depression, anxiety, etc) and says ALL THE WRONG THINGS.
deleted · 6 years ago
^^^ I cannot STAND characters refusing to tell others about important stuff, especially life-threatening things. "I shouldn't tell them they're being hunted, they'll be too worried." Um, what??? You don't think they should be on guard or at least aware of their own danger?
rydler · 6 years ago
...oh by the way the guy i killed a book and 12 chapters ago was your boyfriend.
Just thought I'd tell ya. I know we've been friends for years and you would forgive me for anything but I didn't know what you would do.
222daisy · 6 years ago
Grammatical errors!
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
I like a book if it can make me cry. If it can’t make me cry, it’s not engaging me enough
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Also I hate pure love stories, but also ones that don’t make sense at all. There was a stand-alone book I read that ended with them confronting the “bad boy” love interest who she didn’t like and denying him. Then it ended. The fuk? It was a story about supernatural people, why did it end there?
deleted · 6 years ago
Did I mention dialect in the wrong setting/period? I hate when I'm reading some princesses/knights/dragons kind of fairytale story where the people speak just like they would today. Do you think a royal king in that setting would say something like "Are you kidding me" or "The queen is and always will be my bae"? It ruins the entire immersive process.
pitty · 6 years ago
Long physical descriptions. I hate it. I don't need to know exactly what shade of ebony her hair is, or how deeply green his eyes are. A quick glance or overview is enough for me. I don't need to be reminded how blond A is and how dark B's hair is. Ugh. I hate writing them, too. Let the descriptions shine out in necessary situations, like a breakdown. Not when we just meet them.
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
I would also enjoy not having naive characters. "Wow, he goes out at the full moon and comes back with his clothes ripped. People have been dying every night. I wonder why!" -_-
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
If you don't want them to know it straight away, don't give them the clues. Give the reader the clues, and the characters must find it themselves.
mrfahrenheit · 6 years ago
The 'Deus Ex Fuck You', wherein a character just so happens to discover that THEY had the super Nazi Infigun all along! "What, I'm down to my final stand and this is the big bad death boss? Well guess I'm fucked! But I'll never surrender! There is one way I could do it. But it's too dangerous! But I must. For [insert love interest/vague avenge bullshit here]!" And then they stop time and save the day because fuck you.
chilledtothebone · 6 years ago
When characters have a mental disorder but the writer didn’t research said disorder at all, resulting in completely inaccurate representation. Also when writers are afraid to use contractions because they want their writing to look fancy and proper. Shut the fuck up, it just makes it look like a legal document.
unicycle · 6 years ago
Just judging by the number of comments, I'm sure you'd have a bunch of people on here willing to read what you have and offer their help, if you're interested. I used to be a professional editor and I've had a book of my short stories published, so I'm happy to help any authors out there looking for advice.
deleted · 6 years ago
I could use some help with mine
texasranger · 6 years ago
Damn i missed alot. Thanks for help guys. Keep it coming. What you stuck on grim??
deleted · 6 years ago
Kinda been stuck with writer's block for a couple months now.
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
Lack of enthusiasm. I can't read a book if the first ten or twenty pages don't pique my interest or the book is generally written without trying to get me excited in any way., no matter how small. I also hated reading Moby Dick since that book is essentially a long ass description of EVERYTHING ABOUT WHALING. Page after page of Herman Melville explaining to me like I'm some sort of of buffoon, and while i did learn, I would've preferred someone to actually talk to me about it rather than read an exhaustive 15 page. ten step demonstration of how the whale is cut apart and oil is extracted from it. In fact, I think I just hate Moby Dick in general.