deleted · 6 years ago
Well done!
flyingoctopus · 6 years ago
Darn now us lads have more competition. But good on you!
deleted · 6 years ago
Good to hear
dr_richard_ew · 6 years ago
harmonywho · 6 years ago
I’m so proud of you! That must feel amazing!
r0xanne4444 · 6 years ago
Thank you! So happy ^.^
pitty · 6 years ago
I'm glad she accepted you! Good for you and good luck in your dating life!
guest_ · 6 years ago
Cangrats! Glad to hear you can be you and still know you'll be loved. Best wishes going forward. This is a big win in life- enjoy it.
metaanalysis · 6 years ago
Good deal. Happy for you!
chilledtothebone · 6 years ago
Congratulations! I know just how it feels in that moment where your entire life is out on the line, and heartbeats later someone catches you and you know you’re safe. This is a wonderful step in your life that will influence you- AND others- for years. Enjoy it!
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Yay! That would be such a weight off your shoulders well done, that takes guts glad she took it well and you can now be yourself
mickymouse · 6 years ago
Yasss welcome to the club! We shall celebrate with Internet hugs!
r0xanne4444 · 6 years ago
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
I'm so glad! That's an amazing step and I hope she is accepting!!! Be proud of yourself for who you are and for your bravery!