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funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
The idea, originally, was, if you don't like my state, fight us. <------ Greece, a loose Democracy.
Then Rome took over and created provinces... <----Republic; ruled by Rome.
Founding Fathers: Why not both?
Civil War: Ohhhh.
If a second Civil War starts over the 2nd amendment, it won't be state by state. It'll be a guerella war against nutjobs with piles of them bunkering down vs predator drones, tanks (back towards my crafty part... sticky bombs... or any other combo of violatile ingredients a citizen can get their hands on). Just throw one at the national guard though and just WATCH how the federal gov't responds. There are only three ways a tyrannical federal government in the US can end now: 1) voting them out before you can't. 2) Get over half the nation, specifically the industrious parts (The deep south still didn't catch this) to secede, 3) blockade, and over-run DC while you have everyone you need in one place. You'll need both the Maryland and Virginia national guard for
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
that 3rd one.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Oh, and then you'd have to convince the actual people IN the national guard to do it.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
LOL that shit would not go as planned.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
An all out Civil War II under urban conditions simply will never happen here. Neither will a land invasion from a foreign power. There is a reason we pivoted towards Manifest Destiny; we threw the second option off the table. Seriously; Hitler's Mexico plan was dumber than invading Russia in the winter.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
One last thing before I catch up on my shows for bout an hr... Does capitalism rule the world right now? According to NWO folk we are headed towards global socialism. According to the SJW nutcases, towards a worldwide fascist dictatorship. What is it for capitalism? Elon Musk, or whomever mines an asteroid first pushing us towards unregulated capitalism behind the scenes? My point is.. on paper, none of them work. You need a balance of all 3 (yes, even fascism... fascism works GREAT for start-ups that will never be able to cover the RnD costs (NASA is a perfect example). There is a 4th side, which is monarchy, and while in war is useful, is utter pointless unless you have a benevolent ruler. Anyway... Imagine a pendulum hanging inside a 4 sided pyramid where the string hanging down and with the weight hanging center you'd have equal distance between the rope too the top and all 4 corners. It's going to swing though, because it's a pendulum/// but where does it really want to be? Center
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
(I'm sure I could have deleted a - or something else or one of those other .'s in the first line, but I wanna go AFK and finish watching the shoes I shows I was recording during the NBA games.
deleted · 6 years ago
Hmm. I personally think that entire states *would* go rogue. I would guess around half the country(or just all of Texas, swing states, and the definitive South) would need to rise up and fight the military. Granted, we don't have tanks, but we do have guns. All we would need to do is fight the way we lost in Vietnam. Trap the place, hide and fight, retreat, repeat. We'll need to take over(or have one given to us by defectors) a military fort as a goal first. Then we use it to become much more aggressive and take over more forts, using them as hubs and forming a huge attack on D.C. That's a very primitive plan, and could be helped by occupying the Midwest, but my point is if states go rogue, this is how it would go down.
deleted · 6 years ago
I imagine that some parts of the military would also defect. Not everyone is gonna agree with the higher-ups.
deleted · 6 years ago
I'd like to imagine as this as a video game.
But then again, Anita Sarkeesian would just *makes strangling gesture* right on to production.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I 100% bet if it came down to a vote without any sort of gerrymandered districts, Texas would side with Cali. Watching the entire West coast, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, and Colorado would be absolutely be hilarious. AZ would trip... but even I think the'd see they wouldn't win that fight. You lose Texas and Cali... good luck... now it's a 2 on 1 and Texas can blockade the South. How exactly are imports going to arrive in the south once that happens? Shit... Texans will be happy with having both sides trying to appease, but don't get it fucking twisted:
deleted · 6 years ago
Texas siding with California? Seriously?
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Avocados from "Mexico" my ass. God forbid you starve Texas of their' cado addiction.
deleted · 6 years ago
Aw fuck, if we lose Texas, we might as well pack it up.
Cali isn't worth much, because in it's current state, its shit.
Antifa certainly won't help us, who'll get smoked if they even attempt to fight.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
See that's the thing. This would be NOTHING like Nam. You don't fight a guerella war on your own soil unless you want to kick everyone who disagrees out. Ironically it's what the extreme left (the founding fathers) did in their time with the extreme right. It was much easier then though; redcoats, shoot. Do that in a fucking urban environment with no discretion and see how long DC and NY side with Ala-fucking-bama and Idaho before they realize TX and CA now own this shit and would literally destroy them in any sort of fight. Hell, I bet NY switches before DC... which would really say something.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
All this shit, the actual source of energy, happened with Enron. It wasn't that Enron was doing illegal shit; it's that they were systematically shutting down power grids You also have to remember Texas has it's own power grid; CA learned.. and now the rest of the fucking country is on it's own supply... hence all this coal bullshit.
deleted · 6 years ago
You have a point. We'd need to distinct ourselves.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
The irony of it all... the motherfucking oil refinery state converting renewables faster than any state in the union. Hydro, Solar, Wind <-------- This. There is SO much space for wind. Ok the Monarch Butterfly might have too either go extinct, become the subject of zoos or research labs, or alter it's course... but dammit if a weak rock didn't start this state drillin.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Oh. And when the birds start changing their flight plan, watch the entire Mississippi move 30 miles East. Haha. Ok now I'm getting into serious hypotheticals... there are ways you can build wind farms w/o mass murdering birds and butterflies.