tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
I can tell because my nosebleeds have started up again. Like clockwork, when the weather changes enough, I get random nosebleeds out of nowhere. Once woke up to a iron smelling sticky pool on my pillowcase that way.
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Oh. For me, winter is rolling up...
guest_ · 6 years ago
For me it’s been spring for awhile. Although the weather has been alternating between summer and winter. One day it’s a chilly 60 degrees and the next it’s freaking 80. And there have been cloudy days and a few showers, but mostly it’s properly spring here.
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
Well, I live in a climate where the report goes from a balmy 65 degrees to two inches of snow the next night. Illinois weather sucks, since we only get a week of actual spring, and maybe two weeks of nice autumn weather. You either boil and roast or chatter and freeze.