mrscollector · 6 years ago
Be careful lol I actually dislocated my tail bobe when I was a preteen. I couldn't walk for 2 months without being in constant pain it hurt so bad I couldn't sit. I had to lay down. It totally ruined my summer. To this day I can not sit in one spot more than 10 minutes without having to stand and reposition myself.
mrscollector · 6 years ago
Bone not bobe errrrr
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Oh I know how bad it could have been... hence my shoutout. For once being a fatass paid off XD
mrscollector · 6 years ago
Yeah I had a fat ass to lol but still didn't stop a rollerskate from dislocating my tail bone.
You never really give any thought to the tail bone till it is dislocated or worse broke. My doctor told me I should count myself lucky because it could of broke and than I would of been really fucked up. They don't make casts for broken tail bones. What they do is stick you on a all liquid and soft food diet so you don't put pressure on it when you poop and give you heavy meds just so you can sit. It SUCKS!
So yeah lucky me only got the heavy meds a walker and a ruined summer lol.
kittykatsuma03 · 6 years ago
I fell on my tailbone once and I think I bruised it. What happened was when I sat down on it when I got up it hurt so bad lmao
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
oh, yeah, a tailbone is one of the absolute worst bones you can break lol.