purplefinch · 6 years ago
i have very dark brown hair, and all bleach did was make it a little crunchy. my hair grew back in its normal color. use special shampoo to counter the crunchiness.
blueunicorn · 6 years ago
ok thank you
scatmandingo · 6 years ago
What color are you thinking of going to?
unicycle · 6 years ago
I have red hair as well and have used bleach with no problems. Just make sure you follow the instructions as to how long to leave it on (better to have it on for less time than more). And dying it after usually helps with minimising damage. Your hair will grow back in your natural colour. If you're still nervous about bleach, you could probably just skip it, depending on what colour you wanted to dye it.
blueunicorn · 6 years ago
i want to dye it a few different colors, a light purple a turquoise and a sky blue. everyone in my family is saying i shouldnt dye it because ill never get the color back but this givs me more confidence about it. thank you.
unicycle · 6 years ago
For those colours you probably do need to use bleach. But bleach won't affect the colour of you hair growing in, it just might take a while to grow to a length where you can cut off the bleached hair. And if you mix the dyes with conditioner before applying, it'll help soften your hair and give nice pastel colours.
scatmandingo · 6 years ago
You may not be able to dye it back to your natural color but it will grow back in the correct color. You may have to suffer through some weird looking roots for a while but go for it. Now is the time to go crazy colors. It won’t be as cool when you are 35.
blueunicorn · 6 years ago
thank you, everyone who replied thank you
scatmandingo · 6 years ago
You going to post the result?
blueunicorn · 6 years ago
yea, i dont know when im going to dye my hair but i will try my best to post the before and after.