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xvarnah · 6 years ago
Do baby sea turtles count as floofs?
deleted · 6 years ago
Nope. Imma just nope out.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
yes baby sea turtle count as floofs.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Unless I'm trying to save it from a seagull but it's already dead.... can't waste little buddy.
xvarnah · 6 years ago
Well some people eat them, so you never know, but I'm glad to know you see them as floofs.
And no, depriving the gull of a meal that's already dead is hardly helping anyone
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Fuck seagulls. I'd happily eat one and save the floof.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
And if floof is dead I'd sadly eat him and then happily eat the gull. Fuck seagulls.
In case I need to reiterate. F U C K S E A G U L L S
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Nice name for a boat.
xvarnah · 6 years ago
Ooooh I completely misunderstood that. I'm with ya now. Although, given how much shit seagulls eat, its likely to give you some virus and take you down with it
deleted · 6 years ago
What's the beef with seagulls?
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Have you ever met one? God they are as stupid as pigeons and as yappy as crows and will try to steal your food any chance they get. They also sometimes start dive bombing you if you try and shoo away a group of them. Most annoying bird ever.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
@xvarnah extra crispy seagull XD
deleted · 6 years ago
Ah, naah I haven't had any encounters with Seagulls.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
You've seen Finding Nemo? That movie was being KIND to them.
xvarnah · 6 years ago
@funkmasterrex well here you go, it can be done: http://www.theoldfoodie.com/2015/07/how-to-cook-sea-gull.html?m=1
I've never had an encounter with seagulls either tbh. I mean, I've ENCOUNTERED them, but nothing overly negative. Did have a crow or raven divebomb me twice for no fucking reason though
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
"Received wisdom says that the flesh of sea-birds is nasty and oily and fishy, and the dearth of recipes suggests that in spite of their noisy numbers, they have been favoured only in relative extremis, when a ship has been long becalmed or wartime has necessitated the broadening of the definition of game."
This is fucking gold. Thank you for actually googling it or w/e you did. Worth it.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
also this comment: Thanks, Kathleen - I didnt check early sources for gull recipes.
My cousin in Norfolk, England just sent me a message that "The West Country are trying to control their seagulls as they are attacking pets in people's gardens. This could be the answer"
xvarnah · 6 years ago
"Stories around here(Coastal Massachusetts) was that during the Great Depression people would capture seagulls and tie them down to feed them clean for a couple of days before eating them. You wanted to get the fishy taste out."
In equal parts disturbed and entertained. Apparently people during the great depression were hard up enough to eat seagulls, but not so bad off they couldn't tie one down and feed it "clean" for a few days to make it taste better
xvarnah · 6 years ago
Well, poking about that website a bit more, I found an account of a Frenchman and his experiences with British food in the 1800s, and there was this gem:
"The beef-steak is immediately followed by a plate or two of vegetables in naturalibus, that is to say, plain boiled: then a cruet-stand with five or six bottles, containing *certain drugs,* out of which you choose the ingredients necessary for giving some taste to the insipid mess."
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
omfg lmao Seriously, the only thing those damn birds are really good for is shark bait.