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funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Oh boy. Well... where to start. Ok... let us propose a question. Do you think, in all it's incomprehensible expanse, forwards and backwards through time, that the universe actually gives a flying fuck about us?
Simple math says no, it doesn't... simple math also says that we are basically a virus. We aren't like the viruses we know though; we're a special virus... we're a tribal virus. Obviously something like a virus that bands together fighting off white blood cells isn't good for the host, but then that circles back to the universe giving a flying fuck question.
There is a silver lining:
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
We may be a virus, but almost universally humans do want to help each other and make each other's lives better. I'm not going to go into utilitarianism (I like 95% of that philosophy btw), you can look it up for yourself, but outside of sociopaths/psychopaths and schizophrenics it does a great job of getting to the root of human behavior. Us helping each other is primal and it's based on our own survival. There's no good and evil about it; if you really look, you'll find people helping each other everywhere... to the point it might become overwhelming.
I've gone over the good and indifferent, and now for the bad:
The vast majority of people have that utilitarianism instinct, but deep down, because everything seems finite (and if we don't do something soon, it is), they think it has to come at someone's expense. Watching what others have when you are lacking breeds jealousy, contempt and hatred. The majority of people feel it, and what is truly fucked up is the majority of people
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
WANT to feel it. This is why, as @famousone points out, negativity sells. It's not boredom or apathy, it's jealousy. We're all dragons in our own minds.
I dunno if the day will come where we get over it or succumb to it; all i know is... the universe is indifferent.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
One last thing, don't look for good in others, you'll usually wind up disappointed. Look for good in yourself. If you fail then, well..... sorry? XD
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I don't think jealousy was the right word. I'm going to ponder it. it's something between jealousy and greed... something like... coveting.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I know it's born out of fear.
deleted · 6 years ago
So we help each other out of fear, we also want to fear other people when they succeed and we also fear each other when we don't help out each other.
And I guess you are right, we shouldn't look for good in other people, we should try and pass on our goodness to them. It doesn't matter if they are already good enough or Satan himself. Recently my outlook has changed vastly, I didn't used to give a single fuck about anyone but, I guess I can at least try and be concerning towards others.
Also, looked up into utilitarianism. I guess we can discuss it later some another time.
scatmandingo · 6 years ago
First off, if the idea of how humanity is acting is bumming you out then you need to stop listening to the news, even if its 100% accurate it isn’t a true representation of what’s is going on. Just stop watching and concentrate on what going on around you personally. Did that myself a few years back and I’m much happier.
One the “what motivates people” thing read up on the Fundamental Attribution Error. You may find that people are not as good or bad as you think.
As for funkmaster’s belief that people revel in being the underdog; I agree. When you are powerless to affect your circumstances (see fatalism) then it absolves you of the responsibility to try which is appealing to many people. Easier to say you can’t win than try and lose.
deleted · 6 years ago
Sure. I will definitely do that.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
no no no... the fear part is why we DON'T work together.
scatmandingo · 6 years ago
That’s what I said.
deleted · 6 years ago
deleted · 6 years ago
I think he was referring to me.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
aye I was sir. Sorry Scat.
guest_ · 6 years ago
I can’t say the universe cares or not. I can’t say what matters or doesn’t, what the point of existence is. The truth is that it’s a big universe and no one knows. We can only know what we can observe. We know we have feelings- and others do too. We know that we can influence or at least appear to influence things around us. No matter how intelligent or developed we are the most any of us can do is try to understand and effect that tiny slice of reality we can have any hope of grasping. Are we a virus? Well.... interestingly enough even that’s relative. A plague of bugs is the bane of the birch tree and the wood peckers delight. So without knowing the whole story of our universe all I can say is that we are here, and as far as we seem to know we have some level of choice, some ability to change what is around us. Each action sparks a chain of reverberating reactions that all meld together with dependent actions and create a bigger picture we can’t see. You can only do your best.
deleted · 6 years ago
Covered pretty much everything so far in a great way.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Guest always does that, amazing with words.
The News/media gets views off suffering and negativity, it's easy to focus on those things when that's all that's on offer. What really helps me is going onto youtube and I binge watch "People helping people" or "Real life hero" compilations, bring me to tears in a good way.
scatmandingo · 6 years ago
Or FailArmy. Nothing brightens the day like watching idiots make non-fatal mistakes.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
I second that! Those are hilarious
deleted · 6 years ago
Thanks Guys, for this.