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xvarnah · 6 years ago
*too, not tool. My phone's autocorrect got involved and decided to start finishing words unnecessarily it seems
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
it's been 6 days. I still have to put in carpet and paint the walls and already this shit is taxing the fuck out of me. Right now my grandma (who has Alzheimer's) is with my aunt though, so.... yay. I can't imagine dealing with them both simultaneously.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
That sounds tough man, it's harder when it's your Mum too (depends on the family I guess) but I've found they still like to tell you what to do even though you live your own life now. How long is she staying?
xvarnah · 6 years ago
Good grief :/ is she always this bad? Has she been drinking the whole time?
Why did she even come down? Was she just visiting or supposed to be helping? How long is she supposed to be there?
Feel free to ignore any/all questions, obviously
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
She's here for a few more weeks... she leaves the weekend after the 4th of July, like the 8th? Nah normally when she drinks she just has one or two (she still works, she can just delegate from her computer and can just conference call)... she both helps and pops in.. but this time she's popping in specifically because my grandma isn't here... SERENITY NOW! I'm lucky that I also "work" from my computer (why I was tasked with my grandma to begin with).. but she is right that my aunts and uncles need to start picking up the slack. In my mom's defense she was the one who handled the renovation of my grandma's old house and got it sold (although it was 4 acres in Kentucky and I didn't want it sold; I wanted to wait until pot was legal there and grow)... so it's not like she's a worthless drunkard... it's just when she does get wasted, she gets WASTED. I shouldn't talk much shit. I was arrested a month ago for PI.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I guess you can say.. it's obvious where I got it from lol.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
anyway.. I hit my 80 comment limit, and I'm tired... just gonna wind down and watch episode 3 of Cloak and Dagger before making sure everyone/everything that needs to be inside is inside.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
and then zzz*
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Have a good sleep bud, good luck with your Mum. I'm sure if she really becomes a bother you can just tell her and hopefully come to a compromise
xvarnah · 6 years ago
I didnt think you were like bullying her or anything. It sounded like she's acting up some and it's frustrating/pushing you to your limit a bit, needed to vent, and I don't think that's unreasonable.
Family is always stressful, no matter how much you love each other. It sucks that your aunt and uncle don't want to be involved. I have a family member with mental illness, and I've seen firsthand how people get overwhelmed and wash their hands of that stuff so quickly, when it's the thing that *needs* the most attention, that people need the most support on.
Hopefully the hangover will go quickly and tomorrow will be a better day for you. Or else she sleeps very late and you get a bit of a reprieve
deleted · 6 years ago
At least I don't have to worry about my parents ever visiting me.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Well what I feared happening came to pass... double time. I come home, find out cat has been outside, go outside and find a decapitated baby rabbit and another baby rabbit in the pool.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Well that's sad, do those bunnies live on your property or your cat brings them home?
xvarnah · 6 years ago
I'm so sorry about that, that must have been awful to come home to. Are you okay?
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Well.... they don't live anywhere now. I have no idea where the "nest" was. I imagine my cat does..... so as punishment her outdoor privileges have been being on the balcony only (it's like a jail cell since she isn't ninja enough to get out)... and multiple ear flicks as I put the decapitated rabbit in her face. I've also decided to ignore her. She's shown signs of learning her lesson... but I'm not sure yet.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
ignore her verbally* Not gonna starve her on my porch.
xvarnah · 6 years ago
One of my cats brought home an entire nest of baby birds once.. Was fucking awful. My other cat attacked my fish (which he knew better than to do, he literally did it because he was bored). Fish almost died and I ended up giving him a mild hosing down with the shower head. I felt guilty for two days, but he never went near the fish again, and I think the fish not nearly suffocating in a bowl of milk (he knocked it into the sink, and he's not allowed on the counters, which he also knew) is worth him being wet for awhile.
Hopefully yours gets the idea, though not sure I'd be able to handle a decapitated animal head, so props to you for that.
Is everything else going a bit better?
deleted · 6 years ago
That reminds me of my cat Lilly. We found the head of a rabbit on our doorstep. Never found the body, just the head.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Yeah... she's a little depressed right now and doesn't even want to go outside. She knew she fucked up... hopefully the lesson sticks.
xvarnah · 6 years ago
For a second I got confused and thought you were talking about your mom again.
They try so hard to be good and sometimes it just doesn't work