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xvarnah · 6 years ago
^ that's the trailer for the game if you genuinely don't know what we're talking about.
Imo it' one of those games that you can't really talk about before you play it without ruining a lot of it for yourself, but once you finish it you're pretty much guaranteed TO talk about it.
pandaman1 · 6 years ago
It was a joke lol but great explanation
deleted · 6 years ago
Don't worry, I have spoiled it for myself already. When I like something I search the shit out it.
Also, I am on The Brigde part. Perhaps the last few checkpoints of it are only remaining.
deleted · 6 years ago
So, I finished the game and BOY!!!
deleted · 6 years ago
I am going through theories left and right about what both of the endings mean. You guys got a theory of your own?
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Did you love it? And yeah I got plenty but I can't say any of them are original, honestly the first thing I did after playing was watch theories on youtube cause I was like wtf I need to know mORE
deleted · 6 years ago
I absolutely loved it and I did the same!!!
deleted · 6 years ago
One of the theory that pops up continuously is that of, "The Boy is under the control The Blob"
parisqeen · 6 years ago
I think the boy is controlling the blob and just looking for freedom from this monotonous society, I'm kinda certain the whole game is metaphorical
deleted · 6 years ago
That one is more fitting. Because if the blob was supposed to control the boy then the secret ending doesn't makes any sense.
deleted · 6 years ago
And if the metaphor is supposed to be true then the secret ending just gets really dark and gritty.
xvarnah · 6 years ago
This was what I meant by once you play it, you're pretty much guaranteed TO talk about it.
Both the endings made me go "wait, wtf does this MEAN!" It almost has an inception feel to it.
There's so many things that we have no solid explanation for. And not to mention all the secrets bidding around the game you never even notice.
It could have been a tug of war between the blob and the person in the bunker. Or perhaps the person in the bunker is in charge all along and may perhaps choose to use the boy to secure the blob's freedom themself.
Oddly, there's a picture of the blob IN the bunker, but it's when the blob is already standing outside it's container. There's also another photo that develops into a picture of the boy iirc if you watch it long enough
xvarnah · 6 years ago
There's also the question of what, if anything, is controlling the water children. And what they put into the boy from that machine.
Not to mention the worms, which seem similar to the ones from Limbo. It's been theorized these are part of what causes the mind control process, and that the boy himself seems to be full of them-- based partly on the way the chicks and fish follow him around everywhere
I don't have enough time right now to get full into theorizing but I love people talking about this game again :)
deleted · 6 years ago
But we don't know that the person in the bunker is still even alive.
Also, while I don't think that it's the water controlling everything, WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THOSE WATER CREATURES? It was 2:00 and I was playing the game when the first time one of them appeared on screen. Not gonna lie, it was creepy af, with that chilling music.
And those weren't worms, those were leeches.
xvarnah · 6 years ago
The person in the bunker is attached to a helmet, the same as the boy has been, and their legs move when the boy does-- just as the boy's legs move when he's controlling others. So it's either controlling the boy, or bein controlled by someone else who is controlling the boy (aka the player).
And when I say "worm" I meant more the parasitic variety. I don't really see any confirmation of their exact species identity either way-- they don't seem to be blood-sucking-- but they could still viable be what causes the chickens and fish to follow him since they might see them as food.
I didn't mean the water was controlling anything, I meant the "water children/mermaids/creatures" with the long black hair. We don't know fi they're being controlled by something or not. They just show up, with apparently the sole motive of pulling the boy down to attach those pumps to him.
xvarnah · 6 years ago
Could the blob be in charge of them, too? We're they "programmed" to do this by the scientists? Is this their own free will, and if so, what on earth for? The one seems to just play completely lifeless until the boy starts swimming in the water.
But either way, they gave me way more anxiety than I'd like to admit.
as a side note, here is a teaser they leaked for their next game:
deleted · 6 years ago
The only time they do that is during that checkpoint where we go really deep underwater, rest of the time just want to... Holy Shit! I did not thought about that. Perhaps that was their motive or drowning the boy so that he cannot pursue his mission any further.
Also, the blob theory seems plausible because why would someone mindlessly go through all of that just to get absorbed by a weird ass creature. But, the major hole in the theory is the secret ending.
deleted · 6 years ago
Is it similar to Limbo and Inside?
xvarnah · 6 years ago
I think the water children aren't trying to drown the boy, I think they're trying to "connect" him. But, until we get to the part of the game where it DOES happen, it's possible the connector is too far away for the boy to survive the trip through the water. It could be that they try to kill him before that, though
There's so many possibilities with this game
And like I said, I can see the blob coinciding with the "secret ending." Either the blob is in a tug of war with the bunker person, both fighting for control of the boy (in the blob end, the blob wins, in the secret end the bunker person wins),
Or, alternatively, the bunker person is in charge of the boy the entire time and chooses to either: a) disconnect the boy (secret end), or b) free the blob using the boy.
xvarnah · 6 years ago
Unrelated to that, but just As a side note, the hill the blob falls down at the end of the game? There's a replica of it IN the building where the blob escapes.
Even the LIGHTSOURCE is the same. So whether the blob even truly escaped at all is.. Questionable
As for the other game, there's no solid information about it yet. The graphics look very similar to the style from inside, though, and they make no hints to suggest they're deviating from their typical "little boy in horrifying world" style. I'm excited at any rate