funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I have no idea if she already knows (she has Alzheimer's) or if I'm going to have to remind her every day. I remember the last time I saw her she was right next to me on the Wednesday night.. July 11th technically in her little cat tower... I woke up and she was gone (whole house was being painted that week). If my mom hasn't told her and she doesn't recognize it, this is going to be a fucking nightmare.
What possibly happened: A hawk ate her. A coyote ate her. An owl ate her. She fell into the sewer. She was abducted by the neighbors (not likely, she'd be outside before they could feed her).
I just... I dunno how I'm gonna handle this news... I can't handle 5 months of my gmama saying "Is Cleo upstairs!?!"
jay2327 · 6 years ago
Wait, the cat comes home tomorrow or your grandmother?
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
my grandma comes home tomorrow... without her cat to say hi too.
xvarnah · 6 years ago
There's still a slight chance the cat just got spooked by the painting and is hiding out somewhere. Sorry, part of me always wants to be optimistic when animals are involved
That's really messed up, though. :/ hopefully it will be one of the things that sticks and you won't have to keep telling her again and again
If not, idk if it would be easier on both of you to tell her the cat's just staying with a friend or something? It might not help you, much, idk, but if your grandma falls into a huge amount of grief everytime you have to tell her, something like that might be better for her/you to handle
jay2327 · 6 years ago
I agree with @xvarnah it's quite possible the cat just got spooked and is nearby. I assume it's an indoor cat. A suggestion I would make is to go outside when it's quiet, closer to the evening, and shake a bag of treats while calling for the cat. If the cat knows your voice or it's name and can hear it, she might come out.
It's hard to suggest what to do or say because only you truly understand the impact of this.
I lost a cat once and after a week and a half I spent fourty five minutes outside my house shaking treats. My cat came running up the street meowing like crazy.
I like being optimistic :)
xvarnah · 6 years ago
My cat got locked in someone's garage or shed or something (we assume because of the amount of dust he was covered in when he returned) for 4 days. Admittedly that's not a super long time, but it felt like it, and there's coyotes and crows and falcons and owls all over where I live, and he'd been shot by some asshole in the past with a bbgun, so I wasn't sure he was ever coming back. But he did the exact same thing yours @jay2327 did. And then we all nearly killed him for making us worry so much.
From what I've heard of where you live, funkmasterrex, and all the wildlife around, you could be right and the cat may not come home. You may want to give any nearby animal shelters a call just in case. I've had strays break into places I've lived. Take them to the shelters only to find out someone eventually came and claimed them. It could amount to nothing, but might be worth a shot.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
It's not an indoor cat at all. The whole reason this happened was because I broke my ribs and couldn't pick her up and my mom is just a lazy fuck.... otherwise we'd have her inside; meows be damned. My mom and I have both gone on individual walks within about a quarter mile of the house... the cat is dead. This isn't the first time it's happened. My mom SUCKS at looking after cats; this is literally the 3rd one she's fucked up with while I've been alive (there are others from before i was born... I've heard stories from my father, my uncles and my aunts).
I'd have optimism if I didn't have this wall of evidence about to topple onto me.
I'm gonna try and use it as an out to get a Savannah cat.
I'm not as altruistic either. >_>
xvarnah · 6 years ago
That's really sad, then. As if all the injuries you got weren't bad enough.
I'm trying curb my knee-jerk reaction and not to be harsh about your mom not bringing the cat in atm
It wasn't really about altruism, exactly, I just thought you were emotionally invested in the cat, or would prefer to find it to avoid the issue with your grandma, especially since I doubt she'd have the wherewithal to do it herself. I still personally think calling shelters wouldn't be a bad thing, especially if there are kill-shelters in your area, but it's your situation, and if you're not wanting to then I'd say there's not much left about it that can be done
A savannah cat probably wouldn't have trouble with the coyotes, although they're expensive as hell
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I hope she is still alive out there and when my grandma comes home her coo's can bring the cat back... but I'm not expecting much. My mom in particular is the worst pet care person I've ever fucking seen... and I'm going to let her explain.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I loved Cleo ;_; look at my picture... we JUDGE YOU!
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Anyway... we've let the shelters know and there is a neighborhood watch kind of thing where we posted.. the Local patrol knows to look out.... none of that has ever helped in the past.
Honestly I'm trying to figure out why the indoor cat has a fucking locator tag thing but the outdoor cat doesn't. What kind of fucked up logic is that?
xvarnah · 6 years ago
Was the second message from your mom?
It sounds like you're doing everything you can at least, which is more than a lot of people would do. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that the kitty is okay.
Thats bizarre. I'm assuming you weren't the one to get them chipped?
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
that's all me... and we got her chipped, my mom and I taking her to the vet with my gmama's ok
xvarnah · 6 years ago
Ah, okay, I just wanted to make sure before I responded. Just to clarify, I wasn't saying you didn't love her. The way you said you weren't that altruistic made it sound to me like maybe you were just doing this for your grandma and didn't want to go to that extra effort of calling places, so I thought maybe I misunderstood to begin with, and this was just a cat you were trying to find for your grandma, rather than a cat you genuinely saw as your own.
Fair enough. I wonder why the other one didn't get the locater tag
Either way, it's a sad situation all around :/
jay2327 · 6 years ago
I guess in this case all I can say is I'm sorry and I hope it works out... however that might happen :/
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago