deleted · 6 years ago
Also, the new Titans trailer was disappointing af! Smh. "Fuck Batman". That ain't Jason you dumbfucks!
elincredibleme · 6 years ago
Nope. Not excited about any DC property. Not with their track record.
this_isntme · 6 years ago
I have a bit of hope for Aquaman. I want to see the SeaDragons. But yeah Titans can fall off a cliff. I wish all the actors well. But Raven is pretty much the only believable one based on the trailer. Even Beast Boy is sort of green sometimes and then he isn't.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I want to be excited about Aquaman but I'm not WB has burned me too many times so I'ma just wait and watch that shit on directv.
happy4booze · 6 years ago
Hell yes!!!
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I'll tell you what I'm real stoked on though... Godzilla 2. That was a perfect trailer. "You are out of your goddamn mind!"
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
Saw the Titan trailer, it was wack af
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
it really was. I kinda feel like I gotta personally put Robin in his fucking place.
scatmandingo · 6 years ago
Not sure on this Shazam guy. I’m sure he could clean up on Name That Tune but how does that help him fight crime?
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
deleted · 6 years ago
I agree that they have a bad record @elincredibleme, but Shazam and Aquaman both looked promising. Both are not your standard DCEU movies. This time they have lighten up with Shazam which is a good thing. They even got the costume right! And Aquaman is not directed by Zack Snyder, I think that's enough for creating interest in DCEU movies.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I wanna punch Shazam. His nose is way pointy.
deleted · 6 years ago
I'm excited for The Meg, Alpha, The Predator, and Venom.
deleted · 6 years ago
Venom!! Yes.
this_isntme · 6 years ago
Yep. If they get Venom right this time. They screwed it up in 2007. Eddie Brock is an antihero. He's another Deadpool. Most people don't even remember we already had Venom in 2007.
thatguyyouknow · 6 years ago
I'll watch them but I'm not gonna get to hyped about them