jojofan · 6 years ago
Steve Cutts is his name and some of his art looks nice but then you look into more of his stuff and its just... the ugliest most, SOCIETY IS BAD you can get.
jojofan · 6 years ago
There is another guy and its similar but instead of drawn art its the most over photoshopped pictures I have ever seen. I dont remeber his name. Oh right he believes basically every conspiracy you can think of.
jojofan · 6 years ago
Anyways you guys got anyone?
flyingoctopus · 6 years ago
14 yr old me was pretty cringe
jojofan · 6 years ago
I think everyone was cringe when they were 14
jojofan · 6 years ago
FOUND HIM. David Dees is his name. Found it after looking after some looking.