pokethebear · 6 years ago
It’s men that marvel at what their fathers and grandfathers endured while worrying about the next generation that often doesn’t seem to know its ass from a hole in the ground.
deleted · 6 years ago
Why do you ask?
kakaburra · 6 years ago
My dad has watched everything he could casually get his hands on about WWII. At first it was fine, but you can only stand to hear/watch so many documentaries. I’m not around for them a lot of the time, but I just didn’t know what prompted the obsession and if it was a common thing.
kakaburra · 6 years ago
All within the last year or two, I might add. Before that he was interested in it, but not nearly to this degree.
turn_down_for_now · 6 years ago
This hit my dad at 45ish
this_isntme · 6 years ago
Yeah guys just get the fetish at around 45 or 50. They are like ok. If I could have. But the best move is to remind them that the average age of an American soldier in Vietnam was 19. They step back and start rethinking things. And then they start talking about taxes and insurance and if Aunt Cicely(the stripper) ever paid into a 401K.