funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
moving furniture. I thought it was bad when I was a teenager and my mom would have me re-arrange rooms and then do it again.... and again... but that's nothing compared to hauling a bunch of shit from a U-Haul up 2-3 flights of stairs (especially stairs that make a u-turn halfway up)... ugh FUCK THAT.
fell_equinox · 6 years ago
Obnoxious neighbors and research your landlord. Ask tenants how well they keep up the place
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Thanks guys, appreciate it
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
ooohh... yeah... I've never had bad neighbors... but I can only imagine.
jay2327 · 6 years ago
Check out heating/cooling and also the bathroom. Does the shower work? Is there enough pressure? Does it drain properly. Same for toilet. My sister moved in a place and the toilet sucked so badly it would get clogged all the time because there wasn't enough pressure to flush it down properly.
diablita · 6 years ago
Roommates sucks.