Yall i need some help
by trashmanrevenge · 15 comments 6 years ago
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
Aight i dont usually ask for like legit help on here and stuff but like im for real i cant tell my family but like some guy been hitting up my homie cause i guess he fd his girl which is fd up and stuff in the first place. The problem is me and my homies all agreed to back eachother up no matter what kinda like a gang but not really we dont do drugs or anything illegal just protection. He said he might need some help tonight and the problem i have is im just getting ready to go on my mission and obviously this is like one of the no nos of a mission you know i cant just go jump a guy. Im like legit split on what i should fing do.
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
Like i my mission is the like the biggest thing in my life rn its been hell trying to get myself ready for this cause i want it so bad but this is my homie and i cant leave him hanging im legit like torn.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
I don't think your homie should even be beating up this guy in the first place, even if he did sleep with his girl it's not solely his fault. His girl shouldn't be accepting guys who aren't her man. He needs to talk to her about this instead of seeking violence as a solution cause that isn't gonna do anything in the long run and it certainly won't stop his girl cheating.
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
nah im sorry i didnt make it clear enough my friend accidentally slept with another dudes girl and that dude is trying to beat his a so like he is telling me that if he keeps talking than ima half to go over there and help him out. The problem is i wanna defend him and protect him but like if me and 3-4 dudes beat the shiz out of this guy or get in a big brawl if he got friends too than it could mean that I would get in trouble either with the law or before my mission would need to confess to my bishop even if i didnt get caught. It would probably push me back from becoming a missionary.
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
actually thanks for trying to help in hindsight ive fd myself i put myself in a crappy position ima go talk with him hopefully the dude just fs off and nothing happens i mean otherwise guess ill just half to put it back but thanks for reading it and trying though.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Okay I think it's a little clearer now, sorry. I think you shouldn't involve yourself, I get that you should be loyal and defend your friend but your career is important and your friend needs to understand that. I think this is a problem your friend needs to solve and he should try and prevent any brawl from occurring, if he slept with this girl accidentally he needs to talk to this guy and try and clear it up that way. Your friend needs to understand your values, talk to him about it and say that you want to be a loyal friend but this could harm your future and you're not willing to take that risk. If he doesn't get it then maybe your friendship isn't worth upholding.
xvarnah · 6 years ago
You should probably explain to your friend what your concerns are before you even begin going over there. Obviously you want to help him, and if this other guy is being insane and demanding to confront your friend, I can understand him being nervous. That being said, from if he's truly concerned that this guy can't be reasoned with, he should probably be considering involving the police instead. Or else, perhaps, some of your other friends.
Not ideal options, but neither is him asking you to have his back, while at the same time NOT having yours. Asking you to risk something that important to you for a situation like this is not having your back.
As for what your friend should do, as Paris said, ideally he should try to contact this other guy and explain he had no idea the girl had a boyfriend. I don't even see why it matters since it's the girl that cheated, not your friend, but people are stupid like this I guess.
xvarnah · 6 years ago
If the guy is agreeable enough that your friend feels comfortable meeting, I see no real reason why you couldn't go just for moral support. If the guy DOES turn violent, that doesn't necessarily mean YOU have to as well. You and your friend could simply try and restrain him from causing you physical harm, or else do your best to leave as soon as possible, with as little engagement as possible.
I'm not sure if your mission is referring to a Mormon mission or such, but if so, it seems a bit strange they'd refuse you based on you being attacked by a person and doing your best to diffuse the situation.
Either way, those are pretty much the best case scenarios I can think of for how to handle it. Either don't go at all, or try for diplomacy and hope for the best
deleted · 6 years ago
The best advice I can give is to talk to your bishop and ask him for advice. That's what he's there for. Don't try to handle something like this on your own.
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
yeah we good the guy doesnt know where he lives and we think he is gonna cool down thanks for the help im out here stressing and yeah its mormon but the problem was we was gonna jump him if he came over and for a mormon mission a rule is i cant have any legal problems and i need to admit any crimes that i have committed whether i was caught or not so i thought jumping prolly would not be a good thing to get me on my way.
scatmandingo · 6 years ago
Perhaps the issue is resolved but I want to put in my two cents. You didn’t sleep with his guy’s girlfriend so this isn’t your fight. If your friend is willing to fight this guy and you can’t talk him out of it then you can go along to make sure it’s a fair fight and it doesn’t go far enough for anyone to get seriously hurt. If your friend does not want to fight his guy he should contact law enforcement and inform them of the situation. At no point in this, or any other circumstance, should anyone get “jumped.” Surprising someone with a superior force with intent to injure them is a despicable and cowardly act. As a practicing Mormon I’m suprised you would even consider it. Maybe you should speak to your Bishop about that aspect of your inner debate.
fourthstar · 6 years ago
Dude jump him, wear face masks and get beers. Your set. Morally yeah its bad but backing up a mate is really important and I was in the same situation, its really fine. But not for the guy
guest_ · 6 years ago
It may be too late, if it is I hope it all turned out ok. But.... tell your friend you do have his back, by stopping him from being an idiot. Your boy f’d other homies girl, but I guess she wasn’t his girl cause if she was, she wouldn’t be out on the street huh? Sounds like dude and “his” girl need to talk. But if dude wants to talk shit, he’s gonna talk. If he wants to go tell everyone that he can’t keep his business in order, and “his” girl would rather have your homies D, that’s free advertising. You don’t need to jump him. Homies have each other’s backs is like god. Homies help those who help themselves- and if your homie can’t handle trash talk solo? That’s on him. If this dude attacks your boy, then yeah- within reason and if he can’t handle himself, or if dude brings his crew, you should bail him to safety, and all the cops. Do your buddy and yourself a favor and get his back, the right way, the smart way. Before he makes a stupid problem into a fuck up y’all’s life problem.
guest_ · 6 years ago
*call not all the cops.
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
I mean we been chilling and talking so i mean things been going good. So things worked out the guy finally cooled off just told him that if he sees him around his girl again he will f him up and so i mean its all good. Thanks yall I am finally able to relax cause honestly i think i was leaning towards jumping him cause i mean this is my homie my family I kind of came to a conclusion that family comes first but none the less nothing happened. Diplomacy worked and I can keep on track hopefully.