his name is Isak.
by freudiandip · 10 comments 5 years ago
freudiandip · 5 years ago
And he loves music, plays music, and breathes music. He's awful at singing, but great at literally every other instrument he picks up. He has a dog; A beautiful baby boy that gets along real well with my Clo, and that also likes carrots a lot. He has the world's gangliest limbs and most dry humor, and sometimes I barely even notice the landmines of bad puns he lays out in conversations because dear GOD he won't stop. He loves strawberries but stopped eating them when he learned I can't eat them. He falls asleep super easy, because he never sleeps when he's supposed to, and when he's already in dreamland it's impossible to rouse him. (He also stays in one position the entire night like a fUCKING HEATHEN). He eats chicken and messy food with his entire face, plus the table, plus his clothes, and can eat a disturbing amount of spicy food. When I say "keep your eyes peeled" in english he responds with "peeled like oranges" which is some horrifying imaginery but a perfect response.
freudiandip · 5 years ago
He hates snakes, but still has a snake in his apartment that he runs by every day because his roommate has one. He's allergic to seafood. He wears big stupid sweaters with stupid pick-up lines on them. He would do anything to be in the Ghostbuster and/or Harry Potter universe. His favorite movie is all three Hobbit movies because he refuses to see them as three movies since the book is only one book. If you ask him if he likes Ninjas or Pirates better, he says Ninjas. He has really thin fingers, and can do some messed up horror movie impressions with them (he can even do that gross yaoi hand thing lmao). He hates the Fullmetal Alchemist anime with a passion (nINA). He whistles when he reads. He has one (1) stupid curl in his hair that he despises with his entire being because it sticks up in the middle of his scalp. He's got a really big nose that is absolutely perfect for booping when he least expects it. He is too tall to be a regular human being, I swear.
freudiandip · 5 years ago
And I just want to be completely sappy without judgement and I know some people wanted updates on this whole dating thing and, well, it's going great! I'm sorry I didn't say it in the regular chat, but I lost the link somewhere and I am NOT diving around in the FS chats to find it, sorry, but I guess it's lost forever now.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
This is so adorable and I love it
freudiandip · 5 years ago
Thank you! I love it too! And you! I love everyone!
freudiandip · 5 years ago
Except maybe people like Hitler or Mussolini or the Zodiac Killer
freudiandip · 5 years ago
They be some bad shit
jay2327 · 5 years ago
Thats absolutely adorable! You seem incredibly happy, congrats!
rydler · 5 years ago
He. Sounds. Perfect. Dear Gracious. I'm so happy for you!! And i know his struggle with the one curl, same dude.
Go Freud!
deleted · 5 years ago
Now that is as close to perfect as it gets. I'm happy for ya. Also, I have that hair curl on my left side. It's fucking annoying!