So, I just finished watching Cars 3
by deleted · 8 comments 5 years ago
deleted · 5 years ago
Why do people hate it? I thought it was a nice flick. McQueen did with Cruz what Doc did with McQueen. Why are people losing their minds?
deleted · 5 years ago
I seriously don't understand why adults hate on kiddie stuff.
guest_ · 5 years ago
I liked it. I agree that it was a good film. It does a rare thing- especially for a bankable franchise primarily aimed at kids, it shows logical and organic character progression. We get to actually see Lighting (and other characters) evolve over the course of three films. They aren’t just frozen in time going from one adventure to the next and never being changed by it. It’s like the “Rocky Balboa” of the cars franchise. It’s inevitible in sports or in life that newer, “better” things come along and that no one can stay at the top forever. We see Lightening, a character who throughout the series has been ego and pride tempered by experiencing things beyond just winning or losing, come face to face with a fact we humans too must face. You can’t hold on forever. Things change. He must choose to become a sell out to grasp for glory, or hold back promising new faces who haven’t even had a chance to try yet by vienly trying to take the same path he’s been on. It’s a good lesson.
deleted · 5 years ago
People are just spewing hate on it left and right. Saying it's some feminist agenda shoved down our throats. IT'S NOT! She's happen to be female, had it been a male character, no one would have batted an eye. I hate pretentious, fake feminism as much as the next person, but it wasn't that. It was actually a good story. A lot better than Cars 2. That movie was fun, but didn't had much story in it. It was great on the friendship part tho, which was one of the objectives of the movie.
The point being, stop taking things so seriously. The only hate I see about Cars 3 is about Cruz's character and the ending. AND JESUS FUCK I HATE IT! It was a normal and great ending. Get over it!
guest_ · 5 years ago
I agree that cars 2 was fun, but in my opinion wasn’t as good as the first or third films overall. Using a female character wasn’t tacked on at all, and it made sense. They also didn’t push the angle hard where she was excluded for being a woman or had to prove herself as a woman and just presented her as a car with a dream and a skill, which I liked. I also like that unlike many films that had a great resolution to a romantic plot line in a previous installment, they didn’t feel the need to undo all of that and bring in a “new love interest” and that Cruz wasn’t treated as a damsel in distress or as a prize, but as a killed professional that didn’t have experience in certain things. I think cars 3 was a great way to close the book on lightening as a main character. There aren’t too many film grade stories left to tell about him. He was a stuck up rookie sensation who found love, friendship, a home, and how to be a better person. It was a good send off to bring things full circle.
guest_ · 5 years ago
They’d either need to keep pumping out movies exploring increasingly uninteresting plots, or we’d end up in that sad character place where we see some of our favorite characters decades later and still as immature as ever. Han Solo was a great character, but we see him as an old man where we left him at 30. Incapable of a relationship with someone he loves, barely getting by, making the same choices over and over. Lightening escaped that. He had a great career, fell in love, found a place to call home and good people, learned life could be about more than winning, and found new purpose in helping others. He grew up. A fitting end. There are still lots of cars stories that they could tell, but I’m glad it seems they won’t be using lightening to try and tell them all, that he has started a new chapter and that’s a good lesson and a good film for kids and adults.
deleted · 5 years ago
Finally! Someone gets it.
I really like you @guest_. You make a lot of sense.
guest_ · 5 years ago
I like you too @spookykink57.