savage_demmigod · 5 years ago
The the Kings Speech
The Men Who Stare at Goats
The Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy
Spinal Tap
texasranger · 5 years ago
Medieval war movies that have comedy?? Not that many. Game of Thrones can get seriously funny but not a movie and also really depressing. Braveheart has I believe maybe a total of 4 jokes.
internet · 5 years ago
I meant either medieval OR comedy. probably should've worded it better
texasranger · 5 years ago
Oooohhhh. Ok. Well most of the noteworthy medieval movies arent that historically accurate. Braveheart and 300 being some of the most guilty. 300 gets away with some because its being told as a campfire story so its embellished and fantastical. Ive heard of a movie called Arn its swedish and really good. But if you want to take the time. There are two shows that are good. The Last Kingdom on netflix. And Vikings which is viewable on amazon prime. Vikings is steepes in real hiatory. LK has fictional characters viewing the life of a real hiatorical and important figure. Alfred the Great who is the only engliah monarch with that title.
jade · 5 years ago
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
abhinnav · 5 years ago
Dum and dumber to.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Since The Holy Grail has been claimed... : Kindgom of Heaven Director's Cut (so underated but must be Director's Cut").... Joan of Arc with Milia Jokovavhovabich, although not accurate was kind of interesting. Dragonheart is always dope. Russell Crowe in Robin Hood has really grown on me...
Comedy... hmmm... Team America, Sausage Party, as above: The Men Who Stare at Goats (I can't even begin to describe how fucking hilarious this movie is if you actually shut up and watch)... really anything funny by the Coen brothers... I actually enjoy "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" over MOSAG. Obviously down that road Burn After Reading has to be mentioned... and if you demented enough, Fargo... if you don't like Fargo, go Raising Arizona. Watch Zoolander 5x and I promise you it becomes funny... really fucking funny. Tropic Thunder is an instant-classic... Ace Ventura 1 or 2; I prefer 2.
I dunno
texasranger · 5 years ago
The Russel Crow Robin Hood was bo where close to the book. And Kingdom of Heaven sacrifices historical accuracies for virtue signaling. But both have high budget action sequences so take your pick.