deleted · 9 years ago
So I was living with my parents and used the bathroom in the basement and decided to open the curtains to let some light in. There on the window was the biggest spider I've ever seen. Its body was as big as my hand and its legs made it even bigger. It was black except for the butt which was entirely red. It looked nothing like any spiders that live in my part of the world. And I could've sworn that it was looking at me malevolently. I have been unreasonably afraid of spiders since then.
timebender25 · 9 years ago
Once I was in school and I was asked if I liked sports. I was afraid to say no because I wanted to make friends, but I was afraid to say yes because I wouldn't know a thing of what they were saying. So I just stayed silent.
underyourbed · 9 years ago
So like, my house is fucking haunted. Or even my family is idk. A couple houses ago I was a tiny baby so I can't remember but apparently the radio and tvs would randomly turn on. They would turn everything off and when they got home some would be on. No pets ( well just a turtle but that was in a tank ) and sometimes they would hear voices in other rooms but nothing would be on in there.
Flash forward to next home, my dad said he had some ghostly experiences there when he was young ( its my grandparents house. We moved in with them ) and I remember once I felt just really ... Unnervd and not alone in one bathroom. So I ended up RELIGIOUSLY using the one on a further side of the house. I also once saw a " vision " of my brother and father in the hall when they were away for the weekend. And I also remember being alone in my room and hearing a " hey " over my shoulder as I drew. One time my friend spent the night and we heard my guitar being strummed lightly.
underyourbed · 9 years ago
Cont. I thought it was her but she said she thought it was me. I also vaguely remember seeing a face in the woods.
Now to the house I am currently in. A lot of my family has had experiences such as voices and shadow people, I haven't. Worst I've had is a candle falling and a crack outside my door.
My brother also saw a show person touch our toaster and he heard the tap. And my dad saw one run down the hall and once saw one at the end of his bed.
The end. For now.
deleted · 9 years ago
One time my teacher called me out for an answer and I passed out right then and there