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deleted · 5 years ago
I remember you too
rosalinas · 5 years ago
I feel old! Also bc of the FS's big negative change, people have been talking about using an alternative site
So what's your fb's meme page, it could be a good solution. Though lots of people wouldn't like using fb for reasons, I still think we should give it a try
internet · 5 years ago
I remember you, although at the time I wasn't as active
pattywhack125 · 5 years ago
Aww shadow I remember you! Not sure if you remember me haha haven't been active for years but that all sounds amazing & we wish you like in all that you do! <3
aviva · 5 years ago
@xshadowxqueenx I heard about you when I join FS a bit over 2 years ago. I‘m happy you‘re achieving good things. I wish you the very best
P.S: I read it all haha
granlobomalo · 5 years ago
I remember you from when I was a guest, too. It’s great that you were so successful and I wish you didn’t come back to FS being like this. No Buzzfeed jokes for a full day in honor of your return! And congratulations.
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I remember you, I've never been very active, BUT I've been here a long time, scrolling, watching
xshadowxqueenx · 5 years ago
My meme page on facebook is a Jewish meme page. If you guys want, I can drop my Twitter and I’d be happy to follow you guys
celticrose · 5 years ago
I remember you. A lot of the users have left, @friskyfox, and dailydoseofcute. and the was before the current drama. Mgovia is still here, just under a different name. @man has come and been banned more times than I can count, including at least one imposter man.
aviva · 5 years ago
Are bans permanent?
cakelover · 5 years ago
I remember you
Been here for about 4 years myself....
Kinda similar to you actually, found FS in college when I had no friends
Best of luck for the future
aviva · 5 years ago
@cakelover Don‘t hurt my invisible hamster!
celticrose · 5 years ago
@aviva, depending on the offense, they can be, but now there's really no telling
aviva · 5 years ago
Ok. Thank you!
xshadowxqueenx · 5 years ago
My Twitter is @Cynica_shif
aviva · 5 years ago
I actually tapped it to see if there was a user with that name
coleypoley · 5 years ago
I remember you. I've been here about the same amount of time although not active, so i remember your name. Congratulations on how things have turned out for you
cakelover · 5 years ago
@aviva well soon as you asked so nicely, I won't
parisqeen · 5 years ago
You were right, I really liked that story. I think you'd be surprised at how many people remember you (myself included). I'm so glad you found your passion here and I'm so glad you found FunSub and this community when you did, keep following it.
aviva · 5 years ago
@cakelover Phew! What a relief