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pattywhack125 · 5 years ago
Hey doc! Also forgive me but I don't remember you mik *sweat mark emoji* lol I so sowwie
deleted · 5 years ago
It's okay, I've changed usernames lol
pattywhack125 · 5 years ago
Ohhh okie haha, pretty sure I first got FS like 5 yrs ago I honestly don't even remember lol
deleted · 5 years ago
Same, I'm an oldie here, I don't even remember how I found the site lol
pattywhack125 · 5 years ago
Pretty sure i found this site through Pinterest lol
spiderwoman · 5 years ago
The website is kinda dying. I'm probably going to stop using it given the lack of care/respect from the owner.
deleted · 5 years ago
Here we go again
pattywhack125 · 5 years ago
Can someone catch me up?
deleted · 5 years ago
The owner is trying to sell the site so there's bots postings and ads like there always have been. But some people made a bigger deal than it is so they decided to post porn stuff and that made some other people leave the site because they kept talking about it way too much, so now we're done with it. Just letting it die out the talk about it, to give it a rest
deleted · 5 years ago
And that troll, imo is probably Cycy (the user that had most problems with it) or one of the others, just trying to push the rest of the users away from the site because they think it's THEIR website and feel like social justice warriors
flyingoctopus · 5 years ago
I think sero recently left, I'm relatively new. Shit's hit the fan hard dood
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Really hard.
Also, the bots starting being most of the content, and it wasn't necessarily good content. People's reactions were completely out of line, but they weren't reacting to nothing.
pattywhack125 · 5 years ago
What the fricken heck, i haven't been on ine like 3 years derp
pattywhack125 · 5 years ago
FS is everyone's site tho :(
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Yeah, and I think that the people who are still here want to try to make funsubstance better again. Atleast that seems to be true from what I've seen.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Most of the people that were seriously affronted about the bots and sale of the website have left (along with most of the people who posted the porn and goaded those who posted it on) A few stick around and complain about it still, but for the most part it's died down.
The porn incident was more serious than I think a lot of people realized, however it ended fairly quickly, and most of the people responsible apologized for it.
Currently the website isn't dying, it's more in a state of recovery. I've seen some extreme negativity, but I've also seen some of the community come together stronger than ever and make efforts toward's salvaging it. As someone else said: users come and go, and I don't think you should stress too much about it dying out just yet :)
xvarnah · 5 years ago
@mikriarktos which troll are you talking about?
deleted · 5 years ago
It was a guy call adindunothing or something like that, he got banned tho
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Ah I thought maybe that's who you meant. I'm not sure if they weren't a disgruntled user who left (I highly suspect they WERE, actually), but I don't think it was Cycy.
I spent a good deal of time talking with Cycy immediately following what happened. Cycy was hurt/angry about everything still, but also showed a decent amount of regret about their involvement in the porn (where other uses did not), and I don't think the extreme hate speech was their style.
I could always ask the discord if they have any suspects, but whether they're aware or whether anyone would own up to it, or whether the person is part of the discord at all is hard to say at this point. The user got banned, hopefully ip banned, so for now it seems like things will be okay
pattywhack125 · 5 years ago
Aww well I'm glad I'm back cuz this site was/is everything to me & I hope other people stick around too :)