Ya boy needs glasses
by deleted · 15 comments 5 years ago
deleted · 5 years ago
Wearing glasses is gonna be different.
bethorien · 5 years ago
*hands grim one of my many pairs of glasses*
If these help then you're fucked
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I knew you needed glasses ever since you started killing the wrong fellas in 2016
parisqeen · 5 years ago
What type of glasses? long or short distance? or bifocals, cause those are weird
deleted · 5 years ago
I'm shortsighted.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
It's just something you have to get used to and hopefully you'll love it cause you'll be able to see better. You will have lots of people asking if they can try them on though so prepare for that lol
deleted · 5 years ago
My eyesight isn't too bad, it just gets fuzzy at a certain distance.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
That's good at least it won't be too much of a change, have you thought about trying contacts instead if you don't like glasses?
deleted · 5 years ago
No. No contacts. I'm gonna have to learn to live with glasses.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Hahaha fair enough, you'll be okay. Post a pic when you get them I bet they'll look heaps snazzy
deleted · 5 years ago
I'm getting them in about a week or so, I'll definitely post a selfie then.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
aviva · 5 years ago
@grimreaper I‘ve had glasses before. It will feel weird for about 3 days. They eventually get comfortable. You‘re also going to deal with having to wipe it often and overcoming the laziness to get out of bed to drop them on a table or something when you forget you‘re still wearing it. Remember to get ones that are super comfortable so they don‘t hurt when you wear them for a long time, or fall off when you bend to pick something. It helps if you take it‘s case with you when you start wearing them in case you feel the urge to take them off. And I‘m gonna stop here, you proably already know this stuff
blazingfrags · 5 years ago
The only problem I get after having glasses is that they aren't comfortable in 3d movies and while sleeping other wise they're cool, though the most annoying thing is your friends asking how many finger they are showing
deleted · 5 years ago
Oh most of my friends have glasses so I don't have to worry about that.