thekaylapup · 5 years ago
That sucks. Do you know what's wrong with you?
Also: ginger helps with nausea as does peppermint tea. I personally prefer peppermint, but the ginger is often more effective.
keaka · 5 years ago
Cola and salt sticks help too. :)
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Sometimes just chewing a piece of peppermint gum helps me when I'm not feeling great. Idk what timezone you're in, but if you've been throwing up constantly and consistently for hours you could be running a risk of dehydration, and if you can't keep water down you may want to head to a doctor/hospital :/
omgisthatadog · 5 years ago
I think I have the flu
omgisthatadog · 5 years ago
I felt better enough to come into work and don’t really feel nauseated anymore. But my throat hurts from puking and so does my chest
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I'm not sure you SHOULD be going into work today. If it is the flu you're likely contagious. Either way you're going to require rest to recuperate from so much vomiting and just from being sick in general. Pushing yourself could also cause a relapse. But im not a doctor
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
Honey for sore throat. Keep hydrated. Wash your hands regularly. Avoid touching things you don't need to touch (especially if others will touch them a lot) wipe down everything you do touch. (You don't want to get the whole office sick).
Get as much rest as you can. If it doesn't take care of itself in a couple days see a doctor.
If you ever have sudden or severe chest pain go to the hospital immediately as these may be signs of a heart attack.
under_fire · 5 years ago
Replenish your electrolytes! Potassium and sodium are critical to body functions and they're going to be absent if you flood your body with water after losing waste and food.
nightkami · 5 years ago
I just recently had this, turns out it was food poisoning. Couldnt even keep water down for the first day. Finally moved into soups and shit but Im almost back to normal 3-4 days later. Felt like someone had walked all over my stomach with their shoes on though.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Yeah I don't think you have the flu buddy, if you did you wouldn't be able to go to work let alone get out of bed. Plus throwing up isn't a symptom of the flu usually, I reckon @nightkami is right, if it came on really suddenly and intensely then passed it's most likely food poisoning. I would rest for a day or two and see how you feel, keep eating little amounts and stay hydrated. Like Under said keep your electrolytes up, you can do this just by sipping Powerade or some sort of sport/energy drink. Hope you feel better soon!