Deleted Chat
by thekaylapup · 8 comments 5 years ago
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I was apparently mentioned in a chat, but now that chat is deleted. Does anyone know what was said?
coleypoley · 5 years ago
There was a chat that's been deleted where a guy was asking if there were any songle women over 25 that wanted to chat. I don't know if you were mentioned in it or not but I know it's the only one I know of that's been deleted
bethorien · 5 years ago
Im a songle wamon under 25 that likes to hear the sound of her own voice. Do I koalify?
jasonmon · 5 years ago
Dou u liek pens???
bethorien · 5 years ago
jasonmon · 5 years ago
But nos on ALL 663 types, free shioping??:
bethorien · 5 years ago
Nopers I like graphite onlers
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I like dip pens