funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
anyway @pokethebear YES 9AM! I don't have to work 9-5 hours and fucking enjoy my morning" wake up/doze off for 3 more hrs" routine I got going for me!
king_me · 5 years ago
Jokes on you the bots don't comment much
scatmandingo · 5 years ago
I’m with @funkmasterrex. My schedule is more sleep until late morning then work until 2am. Not sure why I enjoy the night so much but I just naturally fall into the cycle.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
That's half my point... it's like building a stupid wall when tunnels already exist. <_< Daft?
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
"...You don't see an issue with blood diamonds and the monopoly that makes such things exist? Dude.... "
This is for @garlog as a response to "It's a luxury item, they can have all the monopoly they want." on ......that post.
<.,,< go away 80 comment restriction, go away! *hiss*
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
@scatmandingo Shhhh.... we can't let the mortals know of the night.
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
80 comment limit is actually supposed to prevent people from being able to spam comments.
But yeah, practically speaking it only really stops the most active members from commenting to their fullest potential.
captainjackharknes · 5 years ago
The 80 comment limit existed before you were even on this site. It's not a new thing, and maybe it worked then. But there's never really been a huge reason to remove it.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
I knew it existed before I was here. I'm sorry you took everything literal.... @thekaylapup got it.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
It's not my fault I like conversations o_O
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
@captainjackharkness has it been your experience that this limit is helpful?
Because it has existed since before my time, and all I've ever heard about it was mild complains from active users. And if it's been helpful and I just didn't hear about it then it probably should stay. But my experience has been that it just hurts the users who contribute the most in the community.
unicycle · 5 years ago
@thekaylapup I think the limit is absolutely helpful. Not only against trolling/spamming users, but simply for the sake of relevant discussions on posts. Without a comment limit, posts on the popular page could have dozens of comments detracting from the post itself. I like that people are forced to have mainly meaningful, relevant comments so as not to waste their comments. If you want to have a conversation, the chat and share contacts functions exist.
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I guess I could see how that could be helpful.
The thing is, I don't think that people who use all their comments would actually comment much differently if they had a limitless amount of them. Maybe I'm wrong and this is a ignorant idea.
And I know that the fact that there is a comment limit has never been the reason I didn't comment on something. I would guess that this is true of most users. Again, except for those who often use all of their comments.
Maybe I'm very wrong about this though. I suppose the limit is almost definitely here to stay regardless.
king_me · 5 years ago
The comment limit serves it purpose. Its reminiscent of the core values of funsubstance that this bot saga seems to have forgotten. Quality over quantity. This website stands for (or stood for-you pick) quality posts and comments as opposed to people spamming useless junk everywhere. If you keep hitting the comment limit then maybe go back and check how many of your comments were actually necessary. How many were just you wasting time. Remember this website give stars to the best commenters as well. If there was no comment limit then logically those who commented non stop on every post would win by sheer numbers alone. This limit evens the playing field so that only those who actually contribute worthwhile comments will get starred. This isn't a website for communication and conversing with friends. There's a discord (and many other social media websites) if you just want to talk and argue or whatever
king_me · 5 years ago
It's also why we have a post limit. But you don't find the most active posters complaining about that. They understand why it's there