Playing Dragon Age II
by deleted · 33 comments 5 years ago
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deleted · 5 years ago
Maybe I identify with doing that exact kind of thing and that's why I like her.
deleted · 5 years ago
Also I like that Welsh accent she has.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Haha fair enough. Pretty much the main reason I ever used Sebastian was his accent
deleted · 5 years ago
The only other party member I like more is Aveline and you can't romance her (goddamnit Bioware).
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
Anders is one of the best Bioware characters. I adore how the most maligned game in the series essentially acts as a lead in to Inquisition.
deleted · 5 years ago
Speaking of which, I'm getting Inquisition for Christmas.
awake_ash · 5 years ago
Buy it Grimm, you will love Inquisition's story (Origin's is better but Inquisition's story has a catch that makes you love it)
deleted · 5 years ago
I'm thinking about getting the game of the year edition, since it's only 40 something bucks.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I still haven't quite finished it. I got about 3/4 of the way through and haven't gotten back to it.
Jsyk Grim, if the romance is part of the experience for you, the characters in Inquisition tend to be a decent amount more selective about who they'll romance. It's not a free for all like the 4 DA2 romance options. It actually is probably more restrictive than DA:O also. But there's more characters to interact with so in some ways it balances out.
I don't think that was a spoiler? I hope not. I apologize if you feel spoiled after that :s
I've heard mixed things about the playable DLCs. I've heard Tresspasser is definitely worthwhile, but the other two it varies. Still, if you can get a good deal on GotY it's probably your best option
deleted · 5 years ago
Yeah I've seen on the wiki that they're relatively more picky than in 2. But I'm more or less used to that, given my history with Mass Effect
awake_ash · 5 years ago
The trespasser has a major spoiler so I really recomend you to play it and finish it, it's amazing
deleted · 5 years ago
Will do
awake_ash · 5 years ago
Btw Mr. Grim, my favorite character in Inquisition is and will always be Sera
deleted · 5 years ago
Mine will likely be Iron Bull, mainly because he's voiced by Freddie Prinze Jr. who was both Freddie (ironic) in the live action Scooby Doo movie and James Vega in Mass Effect 3
awake_ash · 5 years ago
Noice, Iron Bull is one badass Kunari, he has (along with Cassandra) one of the best ability kit to help you in your journey
dimebag · 5 years ago
@grimreaper Maybe wait a bit before getting inquisition. It goes on sale a lot on xbl. I once saw the goty going for like 5 bucks
deleted · 5 years ago
Just finished my second playthrough
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
Bull is freaking great, but I always gravitate towards Dorian. He's a reformer and somebody who truly believes that his people can make a positive impact on the world despite how far they have fallen.
deleted · 5 years ago
I'm gonna start a third playthrough soon.
deleted · 5 years ago
So far I've played Warrior, Mage, Rogue