What do you live for?
by under_fire · 22 comments 5 years ago
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hyperion · 5 years ago
My mom and my dogs. Someone is always waiting for me...
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Pets, my family, myself and that really nice feeling of drinking coffee in a comfy chair with the sun on on your back
ratfink11 · 5 years ago
I live to rescue animals.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
What about you @under_fire?
under_fire · 5 years ago
I was thinking about the stuff I enjoyed in life, but I realized there are things out there that I haven't even thought about enjoying, so that's why I asked
bethorien · 5 years ago
my humans, food, that moment when you get a sniper kill across the map just barely within render range on a moving target. You know the usual.
bethorien · 5 years ago
oh wait hugs too
parisqeen · 5 years ago
@under_fire I like that thought, I guess that's also a reason to live, to find more reasons haha
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I think @bethorien lives to cuddle cute animals.
bethorien · 5 years ago
oooo that too
tehimpala · 5 years ago
Friends and my eldest sister. We both have enough emotional damage to go around
dimebag · 5 years ago
Force of habit
mrfahrenheit · 5 years ago
bethorien · 5 years ago
oooooooo ill add "my super old friend is going to be in town next week" to the list
rydler · 5 years ago
People. Adventures. Interactions.
peachyana · 5 years ago
My husband, my family and my cat
sassypotter · 5 years ago
My pets mostly
granlobomalo · 5 years ago
Helping other people get to where they want to be in life. Exploring Latin America. Building ‘the perfect introvert me-cave’ for myself. Building these neat little friendships with total strangers on FS is kinda nice, too.
under_fire · 5 years ago
@dimebag nice
@bethorien awesome! I'm going home for christmas too, it's nice to see friends around the holidays
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
There's something out there I haven't seen or done. I don't know what exactly, but I'll know that bridge when I cross it.