aviva · 5 years ago
Aww. So much love lol
mrscollector · 5 years ago
This is my life if I want to be on my phone and on the bed at the same time.
If I sit up she gets between me and the phone.
If I lay down between me and the phone she goes.
It is as if she knows that if she gets between it and me she will be cuddled.
This cat is actually not jokingly mentally challenged she can't even figure out how to poop properly yet some how has figured out phone plus mom plus kitty equals ub ubs. Lol
(When it comes to her we call rubs/pets "Ub ubs")
I just can't bring myself to push her away. Or tell her to go like I do with the others.
It be like telling a little kid you don't want to play tea party.
How can I say no to such a tiny fluffy face. And lately we noticed her eyes are getting crossed we took her to the vet they say it is nothing to be alarmed about but it makes her sadder and cuter lol
aviva · 5 years ago
She probably needs you to put the phone down and focus on what‘s more important(her). I get it. You can‘t kill her hopes and dreams lol
purplefinch · 5 years ago
cats do a thing called mirroring, she might be trying to join you on something you do every single day.
releasethekraken · 5 years ago
May we see the cute kitty, please?
peachyana · 5 years ago
We need photos of the darling nugget
rayofsunshine · 5 years ago
My dog does something similar! He doesn’t like it when I’m on my phone because then he doesn’t get cuddles, so whenever I pick up my phone to do something, he uses his paw and slaps it away from me.
But your cat sounds adorable oh my goodness.
mrscollector · 5 years ago
@releasethekraken it is super hard to get a picture of her because she has this thing about sitting still. She refuses lol. But second I get a good one I will post it. But till than I do have one of her sleeping weird lol.
mrscollector · 5 years ago
She looks like a kitten but she isn't she is almost 2 years old. Her being mentally challenged and a forever kitten came from her being extremely sick when she was a newborn.
She is the size of a 10 week old kitten she grew lately we and the vet are very happy. She used to be a 8 week old kitten size. Not that big of a difference but a difference so we are so happy.
rayofsunshine · 5 years ago
She’s adorable!! You obviously care about her very much
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Yes she is like the baby of the family she gets all the attenion. Most importantly we are very lucky for a vet who cares. When we got her and first thought something was wrong we took her to our regular vet. The bitch said we should put her down. We found our new vet and it is a team of vets they all agreed there is no reason EVER to put her down.
They been helping us take care of her.
mrscollector · 5 years ago
I mean when she was born lol we didn't get her she was from a litter of 10 kittens from our cat Tipper.
peachyana · 5 years ago
I would die for this sweet little bean
mrscollector · 5 years ago
So would I lol