captainjackharknes · 5 years ago
Because, whether good or bad, nothing lasts forever.
sunflowers · 5 years ago
Getting fucked in the ass isn't always bad
dash224 · 5 years ago
When you’re not prepared, it is
rosalinas · 5 years ago
The fuckening you meant
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
because you have a nice ass? Idk.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Wanna spill the tea?
dash224 · 5 years ago
Well basically this guy and I had been texting back and forth pretty consistently and then a few days ago he just didn’t text me back. I had been so happy these past couple of weeks because the end of the school semester was pretty hard for me, but now I’m back in this slump.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
So he didnt fuck you in the ass?
Ok but in all seriousness, sorry to hear about dash. Did he ever mention going away for a trip or something?
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
*hear about that dash
dash224 · 5 years ago
Haha no. He was visiting family for the holidays, but he still managed to text me. It’s just so weird cause if he didn’t like me at all why did he text me so consistently for so long. I’m just so confused.
thekaylapup · 5 years ago
I'm sorry to here that @dash224
There's a million reasons why people stop texting you back. I would guess life happened. Either he lost phone service, or there was a death in the family, or he became suddenly and unexpectedly very busy.
Maybe you'll hear back from him and find out. Maybe you won't. It is far more likely to be something other than you is the reason.
I hope all works out well for everyone in any case.
guest_ · 5 years ago
I’m sorry you’re down. I wish it was as easy as to say cheer up. I can say this- @thekaylapup has a good point. A couple days is nothing. That’s a snowboarding or ski trip, a family get together, there are tons of things he could be doing that could prevent him from texting back. True story- my current partner? Our first date went well. We had been texting for a week before we went out. We meet, have a fun time, we went slow. No kissing or anything, just some hand holding and lots of talking. We say good night and both drive home. We text the next day.... then nothing. For 2 weeks. It was another month before we went out again. We just moved in together this weekend. It’s been over 2 years since we first went out now. So a couple days? That’s just life. Or maybe not. But don’t jump to conclusions. Getting caught up in your own head is never good. You can be your worst enemy because your own mind knows exactly what you are most scared or sensitive to and if you let it- it will take...
guest_ · 5 years ago
... those things and use them against you to imagine whatever worst case scenario you could dream. It’s almost always best to make your first assumption that there is a reasonable explaination, and that people you don’t hear from are just busy. On that assumption your best bet is to be busy yourself. The reason so many people want relationships is to be happy. Happiest is the goal right? So make yourself happy. Focus on you. Learn and grow your skills and talents and knowledge. You can’t lose. You have less time to focus on negatives and trivialities when you have something else important to focus on. You’re also less likely to worry about it if you’re happy, and let’s say he’s on a ski trip or the like? He’s having fun and that’s ok. It’s healthy. So why should you be at home waiting miserable? You are both complete people. So be you and do you. Make yourself happy. That way when he comes back you missed him but didn’t miss life, and if he doesn’t come back...?
guest_ · 5 years ago
... well, at least you weren’t waiting around pining and miserable over him, and every thing you do and little bit you grow gives you opportunities to meet new people and being more to a relationship. That means that if that guy comes back you will be better than ever, happy and self improved over time, and if he doesn’t you’ll be ready and in a good position to be an interesting and happy person that will attract other high caliber interesting and attractive people. Always set the deal up so that you ant lose. That’s the best way in love and life to do that. Just keep moving forward and know that anyone who is on your level will keep up, and anyone who can’t keep up would be holding you back and isn’t the one for you- but someone else out there is. You can’t lose in life if you bet on yourself and back that bet. So do you girl, and don’t sweat him. Don’t play games either. Even if he is playing games. You’re too good for that and have too much to do with your life to waste time...
laughwendylaugh · 5 years ago
@guest_ couldn't have said it better myself. I am guilty of thinking the worst when I don't hear back from people. Some of it a result of people from my past and their behavior but most of it is all in my head. About a month ago, I messaged my friend asking if he wanted to get together sometime as I would like to get to know him better. I didn't hear back for a couple of days (and he always messages me back within an hour or two), I panicked and sent another message clarifying that I meant as friends as I knew he had a gf. Thankfully, he knew I meant as friends and I'm sure we'll get together at some point. I panicked for nothing but I'm also glad I was able to make sure we were on the same page. I feel like I got off track here....I panicked over nothing, he has a life too, not hearing back right away doesn't mean that you've been forgotten.
guest_ · 5 years ago
... like that. Be the genuine you and you’ll be ok. Even if you have a career and a home and hobbies and all that- yeah. It always hurts. Even when it’s the 1,000th time, even when you are 30,40,60. It still hurts when you really like someone and things are going well and you feel set back. That there’s not much for except time. But that time will pass either way if you’re sitting around moping or if you’re out having the time of your life or improving yourself- the difference is that if you spend the time positively, in days/weeks/months/years when you’re ready again and feeling better you’ll be in a position to try again and better set up to enjoy life and a relationship. You can’t lose. Remember that and try to focus on other things. Watching a phone not ring will drive you nuts.
dash224 · 5 years ago
Thanks guys! I know I ask for advice a lot on here, so I appreciate you taking time out of your day to help me! You all are right, I’m gonna do my own thing and not think about it anymore cause these past few days have been miserable, which is sad because Christmas is my favorite time of year.
guest_ · 5 years ago
Don’t ever let anyone- but especially don’t ever let someone you are interested in or in love with- ruin the things you love. Relationships exist to enhance our lives, not define them or replace them. I hope you’re able to get back to enjoying your holiday season and things go well for you with this guy. For now though enjoy all the things you live about this time of year! And no worries about asking for advice. We all need a little help now and then, even if it’s just to have someone else tell us what we already know. Happy new year and thank you for feeling comfortable enough to share parts of your life with us.
dash224 · 5 years ago
Thank you so much. Happy new year to you too!