Mind if I rant for a bit?
by dr_richard_ew · 21 comments 5 years ago
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dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I don't know what kind of sin I did to deserve this but apparantly I am horribly cursed to have everyone online always hate me. Every single God damn time I watch a movie/play a game/make an opinion on ANYTHING the entire internet disagrees with me. It doesnt matter what it is, I'm always considered wrong by the media. It's not like I'm trying to do this too, I swear to God I'm making my opinions before seeing fan reactions, and they're always, ALWAYS disagreeing with me. I'm the worlds most unintentional hipster and it's starting to piss me off. I'm seriously getting to the point where I'm just gonna blindly agree with whatever the popular opinion on media is without even questioning it, I'm just so fucking done
derpderp · 5 years ago
Welcome to 2019, where opinions are assault and "the world isn't fair" is hate speech.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
No I get that, but theres a difference between raging sjws calling me shit for an opinion and actual fans of a series (even non fans of a series) calling me shit
derpderp · 5 years ago
Don't worry about media opinions or whatever, you're you with your own perspective my dude, your thoughts aren't wrong just because some other human posted something different
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
Maybe talk to real life friends and find out their hipster opinions
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Do you have an example?
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I have plenty xvarnah! I think my best example though is batman vs superman, the fan reaction when it first came out was "it's not THAT bad, zack snyder did ok, the critics are just being too harsh", and then I saw it, thought it was ok, flawed but ok, and less than a week later the fan reaction became "THIS MOVIE IS SO FUCKING BAD I CANT EVEN BELIEVE IT ZACK SNYDER IS AN ABSOLOTE TWAT IT RUINS EVERYTHING AND I WANT DEATH"
Ok that example is a bit exaggerated but nonetheless the media turned SOUR in an extremely short time frame
guest_ · 5 years ago
I know it can suck. Please don’t feel discouraged. I for one thought BVS was not terrible but not great either. I see where it could have been great, and compared to the movie in my head I could say it’s terrible- but that’s a distinction for another thread. Point being- lots of people likely agree with your opinions. Lots also likely disagree. The media will almost always push the opinion that makes them the most money for the least effort. They’re whores by profession and so they peddle a fantasy. If people want something to hate they give it to em. If people love something they love it too until it’s more profitable to tear it apart. That’s their game. You’re also more likely to find that people who disagree with you are more likely to speak to tear you apart than people who agree with you are likely to speak in your defense. Many with dissenting opinions keep them close to the chest when the court of public opinion is not on their side, waiting until it seeks the tides are...
guest_ · 5 years ago
... changing to say “yeah. I felt that way all along.” THATS. A hipster thing. They may have “liked it before it was cool,” but they didn’t rock it until it was either socially acceptable or in the zeitgeist of counter culture cool. Hipsters don’t do things people disagree with- they do them BECAUSE people disagree with them. So long as your opinions are your own and not a tool to get attention- you aren’t in danger of being a hipster accidentally. Sometimes being the holder of such an opinion IS a gut check that maybe we are wrong. But that’s not so much the case with pop culture. You like it or you don’t. Close Encounters is a sci do classic and I’m a sci fi fan- but I hate that shitty movie. No disrespect to the guy- but HL’s joker? Yeah. A good performance- but In my book he did well at playing convincingly crazy, not well at playing the joker. Not worth the reverence most people give it I say- but still worth respecting and noting it was his last performance and likely...
guest_ · 5 years ago
... contributed to his tragic death. We also have to remember that our opinions may not be WRONG, but they may change. I’ve rewatched movies I loved and thought were great many times and found I started thinking they were actually pretty shitty and I was sentimental attached or that it was great for my tastes and mind at the time- and likewise I’ve watched HORRIBLE movies and realized they were subtly good and my perceptions were likewise jaded. So you might eventually change your mind or not. Can’t see the future. Just be you. The best version of you you can in a moment, and try not to worry too much about dissenting opinion. The best you can do is try to be respectful and acknowledge that others may enjoy a thing or be emotionally attached in ways you aren’t- and hope they do the same. Someone can always go code red and ballistic on you. Just do your best to keep cool and remember that’s it’s all just opinion. Someone else liking for disliking it doesn’t change anything for you.
derpderp · 5 years ago
I feel like this example of his problem has become its own thing...but @dr_richard_ew Don't worry about it seriously, news websites and review sites are so fickle and follow the majority voice. Don't follow it because you're scared, tell them to fuck off because they're wrong.
who_cares · 5 years ago
It is for the brave to take a stand for themselves and voice their opinions no matter who agrees or disagrees. I am proud of you that you did it for so long and would want you to continue doing the same. Do not lose your individuality to people following the herd. You are unique and you will always be. I am glad you are you.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
@dr_richard_ew I've found that, when it comes to the superhero movies, the fanbase reaction is pretty much either one extreme or the other.
Like I said at some point: I didn't like suicide squad. But, while I didn't find an actual point in his existence in the movie, I didn't think Jared Leto's joker was poorly done. Not as iconic as some other actors, but he still pulled off a rather unhinged character, and that was more or less the goal. The general consensus of the masses that I've seen, however: Jared Leto's joker had all the finesse of a gremlin trying to rollerskate up a mountain. Absolute crap. A one-eyed sasquatch could have done a better job. His Bitch ass had no business even waking up in the morning any day of his life ever, let alone thinking he could be in a movie.
As a side note: I also thought Thor was terrible, Black Panther boring (I didn't finish it), and Infinity War abrupt.
None of which are popular opinions
who_cares · 5 years ago
I felt that Infinity War was a little over-hyped. It was okayish.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
You probably are feeling a bit isolated, but try to keep in mind that just because something's good to a lot of people, doesn't mean it's enjoyable to you-- or that it should be. It's not easy when people are constantly seeming to stomp or disagree with you, but sometimes that just means those aren't the right people for you.
Also: review sites and such - a lot of them are paid. Some of them feed off crowd atmosphere and exaggerate it, which the crowd then responds in kind. Which is usually how we get to a state of ZACK SNYDER IS A TWAT AND I WANT DEATH" scenario
mrfahrenheit · 5 years ago
Infinity War, at least in my opinion, was very B-plotty. There were so many okay lines instead of just a few good ones. Thor Ragnarok was pretty good for me, but I'm biased because Taika was directing
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I'm a slut for marvel so I do love those movies, but it wouldn't surprise me if some people didnt like infinity war (ESPECIALLY if they didnt see the other movies)
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Nah, my sister and I have had similar experiences (not just online but irl too) mostly about cartoons and other animations we enjoy. The problem I found is usually when a fanbase gets so toxic or so popular to the point where they can't admit when that specific cartoon or movie etc. has flaws. It gets really bad when people start saying "you aren't a real fan if you don't like everything about "blank" and think it's perfect". Which is honestly the opposite of a good fan. A good fan can like something but acknowledge its flaws and help the creator better themselves and their work. To believe what the majority think just because it's the most popular is silly (and sadly many do it just to fit in or not be ridiculed like yourself). I would keep standing up for your own opinion, respect others but don't let them treat you with disrespect. Many people don't want to put in the brain power to create their own opinion, which is more reason to stand by what you think because you actually care.
silvermyth · 5 years ago
People in fandoms can have incredibly strong opinions. I don’t have a problem with cheesy, imperfect movies. If it’s enjoyable, it’s worth it. But if you say that, people who think themselves smarter and better than you attack. Criticise your media, but not so much that you stop having fun.
Sometimes, I don’t like the characterisations of popular characters in a fandom, so I avoid it or make my own content. Then come the nasty comments. I’m sorry that this has been your experience, but I assure you that it’s not them hating you for a reason specific to you, and there’s no flaw in character on your part.
deleted · 5 years ago
Hey man, I know I am late, haven't checked any of the chats for a while. But yeah, it sucks. And it's not just on the people who have different opinions to be okay with them. If someone is disagrees with you, they need to put it out in a logical and calm manner. I seriously don't understand why people get all worked up about a thing/person that doesn't even acknowledge your existence.
My friends and I have a lot of disagreements, but we don't go on ripping each others' heads apart.
The problem is, people don't know how to have a discussion or respect an take an opinion different than them.