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deleted · 5 years ago
May he rest in peace.
Remember anyone who needs to vent can use the chat section.
I'm sure our community will help.
Tough world out there...
abhinnav · 5 years ago
Rest in peace, dear funsubster.
savage_demmigod · 5 years ago
Their art was beautiful... rest in peace @Rpp163
To anyone who is hurting, who needs help and love and support, please don't hesitate to reach out to this community! There are so many amazing human beings that are just a chat away and ready to help. Love yourselves and love others
I love you all
hyperion · 5 years ago
Sad times...
catfluff · 5 years ago
Sorry to hear that :-(
laughwendylaugh · 5 years ago
I'm so sorry for your loss
deleted · 5 years ago
Refer to a recent post about a black man and a noose for some real insensitive twats in the comments section.
iconfine · 5 years ago
sorry seems minuscule to say but that's all i have. i come here to escape my depression as well. RIP
deleted · 5 years ago
Thanks for all your kind words. I will be traveling to the States for his funeral this week
parisqeen · 5 years ago
That's is so so sad to hear, I remember him and I liked his art. I'm glad someone on here knew him enough to tell us cause it really does matter, like everyone else has said if you feel like you're in a dark hole and it's not getting any better please reach out to us all. @mialinay put it well, we're all a family and we WILL help you, we've done it before, we'll do it again.
@firmlee_grasspit Thank you for telling us, send him our best wishes at the funeral if that's okay.
deleted · 5 years ago
I will do so.
aviva · 5 years ago
I noticed he deleted his account but I had no idea that he died. He was a great person. I‘m so sad for your loss, @firmlee_grasspit :‘( I send my love for when you attend his funeral.
If it‘s ok to ask, did he overdose?
deleted · 5 years ago
I prefer not to say how it had happened. I’ve already observed some commenters mocking this situation (obviously not in this chat). However, I do appreciate your sending of love. I’m actually departing (today) for the funeral (tomorrow), and will be taking a leave of absence from the site until I arrive back in the U.K. I will let everyone know when I return, and I will even attempt to speak about his online persona, if I get the chance...talk about all you great chippies.
savage_demmigod · 5 years ago
Travel safely and peace be with you at the funeral
aviva · 5 years ago
Ok. That‘s ok. I lost a best friend last October. He also commited suicide. I understand that not everyone takes suicide in the same light some of us do. Rpp163 will be greatly missed. Have a save flight!
calvinoot · 5 years ago
Know we are all hear to support you through this monumental loss, if you ever feel down the funsub chat are all here to be with you.
catfluff · 3 years ago
xvarnah · 3 years ago
Thank you catfluff. Idk how you did it but I appreciate it
catfluff · 3 years ago
Pleasure xvarnah. I recently made an excel spreadsheet with users so I knew his name from scrolling through the chats, then I just went through the chats again until I found this one
SuperDave · 3 years ago
Really sad, hope he rest in peace and strength to his family.