University is hard.
by cryoenthusiast · 30 comments 5 years ago
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guest_ · 5 years ago
... so pretty much anything you do worth doing will be a shit show that takes more effort than you’d like or even think it should. But it will. So reconcile the logic thatbis our universe, realize that time is passing wether you use it to do work or watch YouTube, that if you dothis now or later it takes 4,8 whatever many years- so if you do it now, 4 years from now you’ll be done with this instead of needing to spend 4 years later, which means you’ll be 4 years ahead of that version of you in figuring out how to be happy. With that done- (this isn’t very helpful...) dig into your guts deep and just fucking do what you need to do. Push through it, even if that’s with the grace and aplomb of a hippo in heat at a terryaki hoedown. Just put your head down and power though it even if it makes no sense and you don’t think you should be there.
bethorien · 5 years ago
I most definitely feel ya. This was supposed to be a relaxing easy semester with 3 freshman level classes but ive gotten sick 3 times already and im stuck in catchup mode because of it.
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Thanks @guest_. I liked your absurdist take on pushing through. Also I realized that the answer to my problem could be boiled down to "just do it". Thanks funkmasterrex and guest_.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
@guest_ you could argue that in a way, the peeps trying to cure cancer are literally going through tedious bullshit. I'ma have a stogie and read the rest of your reply... be back in bout 15ish with a reply on the rest
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
It's like going to Tijuana and then claiming centaurs exist. It's a waste of fucking time. Figuratively and literally
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
oooh... I like that "secular pascal's wager".
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
:grace and aplomb of a hippo in heat at a terryaki hoedown" -@guest_
I'm just... goddamn dude. Lol
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Oh, back on the cancer-curers... Most will fail and everything they did will be worthless. Some, out of failure, will figure out what doesn't work. I guess... in a way that's worth it? I dunno.
guest_ · 5 years ago
@cryoenthusiast- thank you. I hope it helped. I know sometimes it’s just.. “404 error...” you reach and there’s a disconnect. But I know you can do it. It’s ok to have an off day or week or two where we just sorta float through things doing our debrief in our heads of the day and saying “I know I could be doing better... there’s no reason I’m not except I’m just not trying to and don’t seem to want to try...” those are tough. Hang in and hold on, stick with it until it passes. Best of luck.
guest_ · 5 years ago
@funkmasterrex- lol. Thank you. And also- yeah. I didn’t mean to imply that cancer research or really anything is without tedium or some degree of danger to feel pointless at times. I just meant that if we say all things are equally pointless in theory, that some pointless pursuits are more noble in theory than others. If I spemd the day trying to beat my pretzel stacking record, and you spend the day gathering signatures to outlaw being unnecessarily mean... largely both of us will have done nothing productive in a direct and meaningful way. However- if I want to quit and do a mental inventory, all I have is “but... personal record dude...” you have “it’s for a noble cause...” So basically all I meant was that while we are all in theory a valuable part of society (the economy and other jobs and lives rely on the actions you likely perform daily-) some people have a less abstract and more personally powerful ends their actions are aimed towards and can often use that to help increase..
guest_ · 5 years ago
.. motivation or sense of purpose when they think of quitting or are fed up. The fact they can trace an immediate line to a critical need for their actions can motivate. But just like anyone else- that isn’t enough because through doubt, analysis, and existentialism we can rob ourselves of purpose in anything. It’s just a lot easier to question the ends to your purpose when you are the delivery driver that bring paper to the cancer researchers than when you are in the lab. It is however equally easy for the lab worker to question of the mechanisms of their actions and the red tape/politics they find themselves in makes their actions futile or harmful or not worth it.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
If it were not for me, 15% of your posts would fall on deaf ears! WE CAN'T HAVE THAT! The cancer thing was just an example, the quickest distillation of my thought.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
And yeah... it's an entire ecosystem. People fail to realize that. The Amazon HQ moving is the latest example. 25,000 direct jobs, but 60,000+ tertiary jobs.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
So much money gone... for a $3 bil tax break? Really? That's paid back in 4 years and theeeen.
That's just... baffling.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Funk and Guest have pretty much said everything but I'll add a little tid bit. I know that feeling all too well and like Funk said you kinda just have to do it anyway, I was a A Grade (still am) procrastinator and the main thing that helped me was to just get straight onto that assignment without thinking about what else I could be doing, kind of like a robot. You just have to start, break each task down and then focus on those little bits one and a time. It's difficult because productivity and a strong work ethic come with a lot and a lot of practice, you have to make it a habit which means you have to change your natural behaviours. You have to convince yourself that as a person, you are a productive and get-stuff-done person. If it helps make each assignment a competition with yourself, make the next assignment better constructed and more cohesive than the last and keep moving forward with your own progress in mind. Every assignment is a learning experience if you think about how
parisqeen · 5 years ago
you can build on what you’ve already done. My last point that might help is this amazing youtuber I watch called StudyTee, she does videos on taking notes, procrastination, studying etc. In a really motivating and aesthetically pleasing way so check her out if you’re into that.
Otherwise, good luck, it’s tough but every thing you’re doing is getting you closer to your goal.
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Thank you parisqeen. I'm really grateful for this community. I need to get back to work!
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Good luck! Work Hard! You're capable of it.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
@parisqeen fake it til you make it! It seriously works lol
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Sometimes that's the only way haha