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thethirdi · 5 years ago
Unless yours works differently but alcohol is alcohol
deleted · 5 years ago
@thethirdi When I’m plastered I can type just fine. It’s an autopilot mode. The trick is to not think too hard about it.
deleted · 5 years ago
While uninhibited, you will know whether or not you truly care about spelling, grammar, etc. I do, and it would appear that she does as well.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
if you can scratch your above chin, but under the nose... I'm su u u r e e you'll beaite.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
It even looks like a car... sometimes I wanna suck my own dick XD
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Apple rice vinegar is just cooking ingredients they didn't tell you about.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
Nah. You're a smol person, plus you're x2 southern asian. So quadruple + not on japan so another x2... x8. *moment of clarity.. how'd that taste, cuz that is crazy*... given what you did.... it's the equivalent of anyone in the US or Western Europe to find a herp they love... point it out and fuck themselves up with that. Given what happened this past weekend...a clover.
Gin gives me the worst hangovers, it's a mashup of herbs... a distilled clover? I dunno if I could even stomach that.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
And honestly... I've had apple sake... if you can stomach it, it's just flavored sake. You'd know if it was vinegar. Everyone within 10 meters would know.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
and as for the red face, it happens with the asians.
Mind body thing? That's the point.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
I hope you get some sleep and wake up and remember everyone loves you. If you got that messed up you'll want to retrace.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
I'm like... 7 shots in now... but they were mixed with diet coke. YES I WOKE UP AND DRANK... MARCH MADNESS IS A THING.
rosalinas · 5 years ago
Finally update: I just woke up :> can't believe I survived that mess that I got myself into for no fucking reason but it was fun (except for the part when I they up too hard it got in my node and I couldn't breathe)
I failed to do as you all advice though (I'm sorry for asking for help yet didn't follow them, I was too wasted to walk to the kitchen, all the way in the first floor where I'm in the 3rd) so I didn't have much water and went to sleep while my stomach screaming for food.
But guess what!
I'm not having any problem with hangover :D my body is functioning normally now (no more falling onto the floor or maniacal laughing) my mind is eh, it's the same, no headache.
The only thing is I feel really stupid.
The God of alcohol must love me so much.
deleted · 5 years ago
That would be Dionysus.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
19% of 300ml is not that much to take over time so that's probably why you feel fine, even when you're not drunk it can feel worse than it is. Also I know you're fine now but just for future reference you CAN'T "SOAK UP" alcohol, once it's in your body it is diffused into your blood. You can't soak something up that's in your blood and your brain. That's why you eat beforehand because it slows down that diffusion process so the alcohol doesn't effect you as quickly or leave you with an awful hangover. Water helps dilute it so water is great. I think drinking alone is fun, have fun just don't get to the point where you pass out because no one will be there to help you if you choke or hit your head. Glad you're all g now.
deleted · 5 years ago
I’m pretty sure “soak up alcohol” is an expression. It just means “eat, and you will feel better”.
deleted · 5 years ago
As in, you eat, and you feel less drunk.
jasonmon · 5 years ago
I'm happy you aren't hung over! I think your body knew what to do and saved you by throwing up the extra liquid you drank. I'm glad you had a mainly positive experience.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
@firmlee_grasspit I haven't heard that before but good to know. I'd prefer to clarify anyway just so Ross knows for next time
deleted · 5 years ago
I would prefer that as well, I was definitely just informing others myself.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
It will "soak up" whatever alcohol is currently in your stomach that has yet to enter your blood stream, so about the previous 20 minutes of consumption. It's much wiser to eat beforehand though, agreed.