by sinderella · 56 comments 5 years ago
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parisqeen · 5 years ago
Nah she was a bit of a dick to Funk imo, like I didn't think what you said to her was very nice or respectful either but she lashed back a little harsh. Honestly there's assholes everyone, online or irl, just ignore them. That's the best thing about the internet is you have the ability to just ignore people who upset you if you want to, you don't HAVE to reply, you don't HAVE to fight and you don't HAVE to be an asshole back. No one's making you. I hardly ever have fights on here and that's mostly cause I try to be respectful and see their point of view and I don't retaliate when they insult me cause they don't know me at all so I know it's just them trying to get some sort of anger out. If they correct me and I realise I'm wrong, then I accept I'm wrong. It's not that hard to avoid a fight when it's on the internet.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
@parosqeen I thought I was taking crazy pills; thank you.
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Paros that's a new one hahah
All good but remember just cause I'm defending you doesn't mean I agree with what you said but you apologised so I think you get that now anyway.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
I r spell hard.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
She called me illiterate! I never asked for ANY of this! XD
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
@parisqeen just go with it though. Paros ---> Pharos ---> Pharos' lighthouse ---> Great lighhouse --> illuminate = You're the leader of the illuminati!
deleted · 5 years ago
I left to get popcorn and I missed the climax...never again will I agree to get snacks in the middle of a movie!
parisqeen · 5 years ago
Shshshsh, no one must ever know @funkmasterrex let's keep this too ourselves
vitklim · 5 years ago
Well, that's a debacle that I just completely missed. I just read through the comments on that post. I'm actually for once glad I abstained from the discussion, because I would likely end up in that guy's place. Maybe without as many insults, but I would. I'm actually kinda baffled by this, because he is literally arguing from the same point that I would, down to the arguments I'd use.
@guest_ as much as I respect you for your willingness to argue and debate, the moment you begin to denegrate your opponent, you forfeit any respect from your opponent. You've done this before, you did this again. And shikharizard only started lashing out because sinderella instantly began to antagonise the discussion. When you start throwing rotten tomatos at your opponent, you didn't win a discussion, you made him hate you for refusing to debate fairly.
vitklim · 5 years ago
And now we have the person who started this claiming that they are somehow the victim, presumably because they can't handle a couple of insults thrown at them over the internet, which happens to absolutely everyone. No longer feeling safe on an online website because someone called you a mean name? That is the epitomy of weakness.
@firmlee_grasspit sorry to drag you into this mate, but have you actually read their discussion? Because it literally feels like me from like 5 months ago wrote a very angry comment chain. And I don't see neither guest_ or sinderella acting fairly in that discussion.
vitklim · 5 years ago
And before any of you make the assumption that acting in defense of this guy means I support everything he said and the extent to which he said it, don't even start. I agree with him in principle, just as guest_ agreed that stabbing the guy back, or ruining his life would be inappropriate degree of punishment, so if you can't see shades of the argument, I'm sorry for your coulourblindness.
deleted · 5 years ago
This...is something I don’t wish to participate in. I really have no part in it, and only commented to attempt to lighten the mood. Thanks for think of me, though.
vitklim · 5 years ago
Yeah no problem, I'll just be waiting over here for my daily dose of being doused with shit for having a controversial opinion.
mrsuperman8942 · 5 years ago
@vitklim I'm glad I'm not the only one who dislikes it when guest_ starts degrading their opponent.
guest_ · 5 years ago
@vitklim- my first reply had no egg throwing. I asked him to be more respectful and told him what you just said- that insults detract from your argument. He continued to be rude and insulting- so I adopted his style of communication because it wasn’t fair of me to ask him to communicate in my style if I wasn’t willing to respect his style as well. But I am a human being and not a bot. I try to be better than I am but in a thread where a guy tells a well meaning and respectful poster that he would gladly stab her for her opinion- what am I going to do? It’s the internet, not real life so we can’t teally take it outside and settle up. Plain and simple- you often have opinions I don’t agree with but you also tend to be respectful and show intelligence. This guy has neither of those traits and revels in them. I’m fine to not feed trolls save when they start to get out of hand. I haven’t reached the point where I’m willing to give up on this person, but I know they do not posses the...
guest_ · 5 years ago
... qualities to have a conversation. They do not want to exchange information and have said so themselves. They simply like to spout off. That’s fine by me in general and nothing to get worked up over- but not when people start throwing threats around. They’re real big on the internet like a true troll because online there’s anonymity and relative invulnerability. But here we are in a thread for another user who was so afraid and shocked that they are willing to never come back because of it and you want to call me out for talking to a guy in less harsh language than he used to speak to her? Really? He wasn’t bothered enough to quit the site by what I said but she was- and his mantra in many threads has been he doesn’t care what others say- so.... for my part though I should be better than that so I apologize for that. Can’t control him, can control me.
deleted · 5 years ago
You guys arent just beating a dead horse, you're flame-throwing a decomposing corpse.
vitklim · 5 years ago
I read his posts, and for the most part when he was defending his point, he did so honestly. So he wasn't just a troll. On the other hand, I agree that he started the insults himself, but that happens to me quite a lot as well. For a recent example, when I was criticizing another user in my debate with them, someone told me that that qualified as hate speech. That is insufferably stupid, because I haven't made a single remark that was targeted at their person and not their ideas, but I didn't fly off the rails and start person attacks in return. I simply pointed out that they flat out lied, and left it there. So yeah, could've given him at least one more strike before the flame war started. Especially since in his first reply to you, he was actually prepared to argue back in kind, before he saw the second part of what you wrote.
vitklim · 5 years ago
In other news, F's in chat for @quertmania, who was one of the few posters that I was glad to have around for civil debate, but unfortunately left us.
deleted · 5 years ago
Can I point out the irony that user A defended the girl who stabbed a guy multiple times for sexually harassing her, user B threatened to stab user A, and then user A left the site entirely because they were afraid of being stabbed—almost as if being stabbed is worse than being harassed?