deleted · 5 years ago
Seems mostly from bots... still super inconvenient to deal with.
timebender25 · 5 years ago
The bots don't know how to use the site and aren't checking off the boxes. This is a new thing and it's really dumb.
savage_demmigod · 5 years ago
It's incredibly annoying
scatmandingo · 5 years ago
Doesn’t bother me, honestly. If I’m in a situation where that sort of this isn’t appropriate I probably shouldn’t be on FS anyway.
bethorien · 5 years ago
2 things,
1. its not that its a new thing its that bots are both
----a. more active and more numerous and
----b. pulling from more websites
which causes it to happen in a noticeable amount
2. some of us would prefer to not have to see nsfw stuff outside of our own choice to click the nsfw banner away
guest_ · 5 years ago
wether it personally bothers me isn’t so muchan issue. It bothers me because I know that others can be troubled by it. The whole reason why the NSFW filter exists is so that people may post whatever they like within the limits without issue. Wether a moral, religious, or legal choice- wether one is in a place where certain images may be forbidden or awkward, wether one has strict parents who might get upset or punish them for being on a site that shows certain things, wether sensitive, squeamish, or having suffered trauma with some common sense triggers- that’s why NSFW exists. So we can all have fun. Without NSFW the rule would be you just couldn’t post certain things. It’s there- users hopefully will use it, and these bots.... uhg. The Christmas memes in March are bad but not as bad as them copy pasting sensitive material with no filter.
timebender25 · 5 years ago
Beth. It is new in the sense that the bots only ramped up activity recently and thus started posting this NSFW content recently.
I'm not talking about HAVING bots, I'm talking about the bots posting such content without repercussion.
lolcats121 · 5 years ago
Not really.
bethorien · 5 years ago
bots have posted stuff like that in the past. About as frequently when considering the amount of bot accounts exist. There is just a larger amount of bots posting, which makes it look like something changed when really its just a larger downpour of posts. The ratio of nsfw stuff isnt changing much and its thats simply because the bots pull from more meme sites.
or as i said in my previous comment
1. its not that its a new thing its that bots are both
----a. more active and more numerous and
----b. pulling from more websites
timebender25 · 5 years ago
You're listing off exactly what I'm saying.
I'm not saying it wasn't happening before. I'm saying it's a new thing *at this frequency*. It's new that they're posting this much.

Why can't I talk right, fucking damn. ;-;
scatmandingo · 5 years ago
“Fucking damn?” Could you keep the NSFW phrasing to yourself, please?