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dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
@firmlee_graspit I've never had dreams about ghosts of past loved ones or such. Thats so cool!
@funkmasterrex I would love to see the imagery of your house folding up into a flower
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
My favourites have always been the flying/falling dreams. I've had a few where I've become lucid and my first idea is to just start flying. Some have felt so amazingly real that I was in disbelief. I'm usually pretty good at remembering my dreams, but flying dreams are rare.
I find I dream the most intensely when napping during the day, or when I finally fall asleep after losing sleep for several days. Those are the wildest. I recently didn't sleep for 3 nights straight, and finally when I did sleep, within about 30 minutes I lived what seemed like hours or days of several crazy and very different dreams.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I never have flying dreams much, the most I have is dreams where I can jump extremely high. I did end up flying in the dream I mentioned though (before the Abigail stuff happened), and I also jumped super far in it as well without even trying. I wish I could dream more about flying, but I guess I'm grounded
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
@chocolatefeces <---1) hell of something to type. 2) it's those KO drool sleeps with the best dreams.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
@dr_richad_ew Angel or Magneto? Did you feel free as you flew? Did you feel weighed before you flew?
properchaos · 5 years ago
I've had a recurring dream where William S. Burroughs (writer) is sitting in my living room, smoking a cigarette and drinking a mug of blood. He looks at me, smiles a sinister smile and says to me in a low whisper growl "We are not ready for you yet, good sir." I couldn't sleep for 2 and a half days afterwards
cryscross · 5 years ago
I once had a very vivid dream where I was a middle aged Indian man (white cis-female and, at the time, early twenties). I could fly and I was using the ability to have an affair with my brother's wife. But then people saw me flying out of her window and I had to start being a super hero as a cover and found it really annoying.
calvinoot · 5 years ago
Wayyy too many I have had. Hard to pinpoint but I had one where a gate that held all this water was shut and slowly opening so I had to go on a quest to find the key to lock it, thing was the key was in a cave at the top of a mountain and that cave would fill if my crew and I didn't get there in time.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
@funkmasterrex kinda like superman. I felt the weight of gravity on me yeah, but I also felt so much lighter as well
@properchaos idk about you but I kinda want to figure out what happens when they're ready
@cryscross what a fun superhero!
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
@calvinoot did you ever make it?
calvinoot · 5 years ago
Well, I woke up, fell back to sleep and was back in the dream, the dude that was my guide was shaking me and told me to wake up. (I fell asleep in the dream world while I was awake in real world) and we had to grab the key, so I got it, swam down the mountain and struggled to close it. We closed it, locked it, and the water got sucked into the keyhole. Then a dude said someone had stole the key while we celebrated. So... Sort of made it?
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I'd count that as a win!
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
makes sense.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
Yo so while I was at work I was thinking of what would happen if I turned my dream into an actual story. Does that sound cool?
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
I read that as "you're so white..." at first... and.. it made fucking sense.
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
but yeah man, gopher it.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I'd have to do more planning, luckily I have a ton of work this week and I do my best thinking while working, so I should be able to start writing it sooner than later
funkmasterrex · 5 years ago
calvinoot · 5 years ago
Yeah man, if you wrote a dream book or wrote a story based on ur dreams I would read it!
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
Oh I already have, like, 6 notepads on my phone all about some dreams I've had