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dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
The other thing is, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK YOU IDIOT. Do you really expect that you were gonna get away with something like that? For fucks sake you had over a million subscribers! Of COURSE you're gonna be found out about stupid shit like this! What the everlasting fuck was going through your head? Were you being one of those Neanderthals who thought "maybe I'll be the one percent who never gets caught doing this!", newsflash moron, EVERY CELEBRITY GETS CAUGHT DOING THAT AT SOME POINT! Michael Jackson, Bill Cosby, Charlie Sheen, Cardi B, Trump, Doug Walkers boss, Butch Hartman, the maker of ren and stimpy, Dan Schneider, it doesnt fucking matter what they did or who they are (need I mention you ZEUS), if you're famous or popular and try to get away with doing something/plotting something like that, YOU ARE FUCKED!
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
I'm so goddamn sick and tired of people I enjoy and look up to turning out to be absolute jackasses. You're ruining not only your futures but your pasts as well, and it's so fucking obvious that you're gonna be caught red handed sometime in the future, who why even bother? That one night of underage pussy is gonna be all the life ruining hassle later on? You are FUCKED. And before anyone says "You should never look up to your heroes bc they may end up disappointing you" like I hear over and over and over on youtube, you can just shut your fucking pie hole because I do everything in my goddamn life to be more positive about life than the average man, and thinking like THAT would set me on a fucking path to destruction. I CHOOSE TO LOVE PEOPLE NO MATTER IF I KNOW THEM OR NOT, SO EXCUSE ME FOR LOOKING UP TO PEOPLE I ENJOY!
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
One more of these controversies and I swear to christ I'm just gonna fly down to where they are and beat the fuck out of them on the spot because I am losing my goddamn mind over controversy like this. And before anyone asks, I'm sorry for the long rant, but as previously stated before, I'm an autistic fuck who gets mad over everything, and shit likes this drives me up the fucking great wall of China. When I friend was texting me all of this info and saying shit to make fun of him, no offense bro I love you so much but everytime I saw a message from him about him I actually screamed "I GET IT NOW SHUT UP" at the top of my lungs (no one was home at the time, so I allowed myself that venting). I know that if I actually told this to someone irl it would just ending up sounding like autistic 'reee'ing, so sorry for the long rant, but I just needed a place to get my anger out.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
Long story short: Jared you can go die in a fucking fire, and next time I hear shit about a youtuber I enjoy like him or butch or whatever, I'm just gonna cut them out of my life and pretend I never even heard of them because this is getting too serious for me to handle peacefully
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
Btw sorry for all the spelling errors, I was blinded by rage while writing this and autocorrect was having a field day
xvarnah · 5 years ago
This probably won't make you feel any better. Idk. I'm sleep deprived so at this point I'm just aiming for coherent
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I saw something about that earlier but didn't know what it was about. One thing I've learner recently is it's usually better to approach something like this with just a smidgen of caution because social media loves nothing more than to spin a narrative. 
I don't know who this guy is, at all, but the first article I read compared him to Austin Jones, and considering I've heard parts of the actual transcripts from Austin Jones, these people better be damn sure they mean it when they say that. Because Austin Jones went above and beyond asking for photos from people he may or may not have known were underage. WAY beyond. 
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I'm not defending this ProJared fellow mind you-- I don't know enough about him or the situation. I looked at the tweets the one girl posted as evidence. They're pretty bad, although the only one that she says gives any indication of how old she is is one where she says she didn't take part in a gangbang because she's a baby. My take away from that personally would be that she was too scared/wussed out to take part, not that she was too young, but that's just me.
Either way, like I said, it definitely looks bad, he should know better than to solicit nudes online (you never know whose on the other end of that camera). I am genuinely curious why they decided to go for trial-by-twitter instead of going to the police, though. Or maybe they have and I didn't hear anything about it yet. Not sure. I'm just leery because I've seen how social media handles these things
xvarnah · 5 years ago
understand what you mean about this tainting your past experiences. I have books from Cosby, and an interview from him from Jay Leno that always made me laugh. I haven't been able to pick up the books or listen to the clip since the shit hit the proverbial fan because it just bothers me, and I wasn't even that invested in Cosby to begin with, so having it happen to someone you've integrated so deeply into your life is shattering
It always sucks because it almost feels like a betrayal. Even if there was no actual good reason to trust these people, we often end up building little parts of our world's around them, and it's devastating in a way when those parts get knocked down
xvarnah · 5 years ago
The sad reality is Mo'st of the things we like we're created by people that often did terrible things. I can't speak for it for the future, but I don't think it should invalidate your past experiences. At that time, as far as you or anyone knew, he was a good person, and your reactions were real and genuine. Maybe he did do these terrible things. And he should be held accountable if so. But either way, the content you enjoyed helped you, probably helped others. There was a shared joy there, that existed within that community. Maybe he was the inception, but he wasn't the sole contributor to that. 
In the end all our idols will disappoint us, all we can do is try and find the disappointments we can live with, and respond appropriately to the ones we can't.
rosalinas · 5 years ago
This requires something I like to call the ability to separate the art and the artist.
Knowing someone is absolutely shit but still able to appreciate and enjoy their work cause they're good at it (even though they have horrible personality)
Like Hitler and his paintings.
It's not easy ofc as once when we find a flaw or something/lots of things we can't stand of others (especially if it's someone we have high expectations towards) we grow to dislike even hate them, we tend to have that grudge over everything that involves them.
It's only natural.
deleted · 5 years ago
I relate to this so much Dr. There was a comedian here who was in one of the shows I liked and then it was revealed that it was revealed that he was asking underage girls for nudes. They banned the show, everyone else from the cast suffered because of him and now the show is not the same.
See, I am all for separating the art and artist. Cubism changed the entire viewpoint of the world regarding how we view and paint things, but Picasso was a terrible human being. Just the worst. The thing is, you can never respect the art that much ever again after you lose the respect for the artist, cause after all, it was created by that artist. The art has two factors, the art itself and the artist. Once you lose respect for one factor, the other factor doesn't exactly holds that much respect as it used to do when both factors were respectful.
People can never separate the art from the artist because they are interconnected. The art is the artist's feelings, thoughts, views, ideas, etc. It is a
deleted · 5 years ago
Part of the artist. So, no matter how hard you try, it's always going to really difficult to separate the art from the artist.
1_puma · 5 years ago
I’m genuinely sorry your experience has been tarnished by something so easily avoidable. Morals? What morals? Damn...
rosalinas · 5 years ago
I guess it's bc I'm a deeply twisted person myself so it doesn't matter how "bad" the artist is, I can find the art as lovely as it has been before knowing about the author's personality.
metaanalysis · 5 years ago
Dr., felt the same about Louie C.K., like losing a friend almost.
vitklim · 5 years ago
Heard about this shitshow of a story, and actually have something to add. For one, I've never even heard about Jared before this came up, only saw him appearing on GameGrumps, and even then didn't watch videos featuring him, just didn't really care enough. But I went through something similar before.
So I'm a huge fan of reaction type content. Way more than most people are. A lot of people see it as freeloading, stealing content, whatever. I disagree. The reason why people watch let's plays, reaction videos, is because they want to see other people enjoy something they themselves did. And there was one YouTuber in particular, rather small, with around 250 k subs, I dont't even remember his name anymore. He used to react to some rather obscure and niche content, the stuff I watched revolved mostly around Undertale fan creations, because I loved the creativity and skill that went into the stuff. And he was the one to introduce me to some of the best community creations in that sphere.
vitklim · 5 years ago
He even was featured in some himself, as a voice actor. Until one day it came out that he was in fact, a garbage human being. Not as bad as Jared, but pretty close. The most equivocal offense would be sexual harassment, plus some more distasteful things. At first, I couldn’t believe my eyes. He seemed like an okay guy, not even overly eccentric or anything.
What happened next was extremely frustrating. His channel got nuked, he was denounced by every single other YouTuber in the sphere, and he was basically wiped off the internet. I agree that he deserved punishment, but this was going way overboard. For one, I genuinely enjoyed his work. I was able to separate the art from the artist. And all of his work was destroyed, his channel removed, all backup channels that tried to archive his videos, also wiped. Why so many people were unable to grasp the concept, I will never understand.
vitklim · 5 years ago
Secondly, other YouTubers who knew him or heard of him began pumping out videos dragging him through the mud. And fuck me, they were just cashing in on the drama, at least most of them. So what we have now, is a negative outcome from all sides. The dude turned out to be an asshole, all of his content, that was completely irrelevant to the fucking problem got deleted, and drama hounds cashed in on the event.
The only salvation here was that I never looked up to him as a personality. I liked him, but wasn’t genuinely inspired. Which is why the gut punch hurt far less. But if you were truly invested, I can only feel sorry for you and try to console however I can. My biggest statement would be to try to separate the art from the artist, and if you can’t, just try to cut it out of your life, as you rightly did
@dr_richard_ew, hope this rant of mine kinda helped as well. I can tell though, that you were way more invested into the person at hand, which is sadly why it hurts much more.
dr_richard_ew · 5 years ago
Thank you all so much guys <3