GOT episode 5 ...
by typow777 · 14 comments 5 years ago
typow777 · 5 years ago
Gotta talk about it with someone...
derpderp · 5 years ago
It's shit my dude
derpderp · 5 years ago
It's been shit since season 7, the writers clearly font understand the books message and without the books to reign in the stupid they've assassinated every single one of their characters over the last 3 episodes for shock and spectacle. A dragon destroying a city looks cool right? Who cares that the person responsible would never do that. A wall of light clashing with darkness looks cool right? So we have to kill of all of the cavalry, with a magically appearing witch to light their swords on fire, which will be a surprise, but if that doesn't happen their weapons would be useless, BUT ITS COOL RIGHT?
derpderp · 5 years ago
typow777 · 5 years ago
Well than. I was just going to say how crazy it was for her to do that. Yeah ... it is just a TV show ... haters gonna hate. It was a stupid fight at Winterfell for sure.
derpderp · 5 years ago
Oh no it's all stupid
Characters are no longer characters, the writers decide whats going to happen and instead of working to make it happen they just say "It happens now hard cut somewhere else so we don't have to follow through" It's lazy, it's rushed and it shows a horrid blatant lack of care for a property that is so popular it has become a meme to ask about people who haven't watched it. It's horrendous disregard for peoples 8 year investment.
typow777 · 5 years ago
I like it :/
derpderp · 5 years ago
You're allowed to like stuff, but objectively it was just poor character assassination
internet · 5 years ago
the scene with arya finding a horse made no sense at all. the city was in shambles, yet a perfectly clean white horse was just standing there doing nothing???
typow777 · 5 years ago
It was a sign, A opportunity to live among the destruction. She did have the ability to change faces.
typow777 · 5 years ago
The horse was covered in blood
typow777 · 5 years ago
How unexpected (to me) that she was going to hit the bat shit aggressive button! She is a Targaryen, didn't her family burn through that castle early on? When Arya was a slave? It's been a while from the early seasons
rosalinas · 5 years ago
The ep was lit
Thanks to the mad queen.
lihea · 5 years ago
I was also disappointed... This whole season feels rushed. They build up the Night king and the army of the dead for 7 seasons and then take care of the entire threat in one episode??!!
Then the entire war for the Iron Throne is finished AND Daenerys goes Mad Queen in one episode?!?
Episode 6 has to do something beyond amazing to save this, tbh.
What really worries me is that George says that his book ending isn't that much different from the show's ending, which at this point only seems to be leading to a massive disappointment...